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Q.I Need your help my mother & sister come back레돈도비치(한국횟집)

지역California 아이디h**dyhong****
조회1,041 공감0 작성일11/11/2010 10:48:36 AM
I Need your help

November 5, 2010
Eric Hong
2xxxx Victor St
Torrance , CA90503
xxxx High School 10th

Dear whoever it may concern

My mother worked at the Han Kook restaurant on the Redondo Pier.
She(Hong hyun sook) produced a fake receipt with a machine that my aunt (Chi ki ho & Wang jun young/wife)
And uncle brought to our house. Ihave seen what my mom wrote a letter to the government pleasing for forgiveness.
Due to the fact that my mom (Hong hyun sook) is crucial evidence to the problem with the Han Kook restaurant,
So the CEO of the Han Kook restaurant sent my mom(Hong hyun sook) away to korea. I did not know when my mom was planning on leaving to korea till the day of, she took me to the airport with my aunt(chi ki ho) and told
Me she’s leaving right now.my mother calls time to time form korea asking if I’m eating all my meals, if I’m doing well in school, and if my dads coming home early with extreme concern with her voice. She is living in korea with my little sister and is working extremely hard working 12 hours a day at a maket trying to make a living to support my sister in korea. I miss my mother and my sister very much,it is hard to make a living with just my father I need my family.. My sister
(Eunice Hong)is an all”A” student and also achieved presidential award in 8th grade.
Please help my mother and my sister come back to the states safely
Thank you

Eric Hong

상기 내용(아들의 호소문) 실명자에 대해 2일 동안 게재후 삭제 합니다.
중앙일보 미디어팀 김민혁씨 전화 감사 드리고,아이들의 꿈과 희망을 짓밟는
민주주의의 초석인 미국에서 이런 일이 없을거라 봅니다
이런 불행한 제2의 선의 피해자가 없길 바라는 마음 입니다.
오직 했으면 실명의 글을 올리겠습니까.
앞으로 이런일이 없도록
잘 못된 일은 시정하고 바로 잡는 국민의 힘이 되었으면 합니다.
중앙일보 사장님과 관계자, 그리고 이 글에 전화와 메일로 힘과 용기를
보내주신 중앙일보 구독자와 모든 한국 교민 여러분들께 감사 드립니다.
(돈으로 이런 못된 행위 자체가 않 되는 미국 사회가 되었으면 하는 바램 입니다)

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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