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Q.car accident

지역Oregon 아이디y**yh****
조회1,542 공감0 작성일10/24/2016 8:21:30 PM
I got into a car accident a few month back and I am a Oregon resident. A guy who was not insured hit my car, hit light pole, and wrapped a tree by driving over 65 on 35mile zone. He got severe injury and has over 100k hospital bill. Since he doesn't have insurance, my insurance company finalized by putting 75 % fault on him and 25% fault on me( I was pulling from stop sign). My uninsured coverage is 50k/100k and my insurance told me that they are giving 50k to the other guy since his hospital bill is too high. Even though it does not make sense to me, I said ok to close the case. Now, the other guy hired lawyer and they are asking my personal finance. What is going to happen to me? I am hoping to get lawyer's advice but my friends told me that they are not going to help me since I am not getting any money from insurance or the other guy. I am so worried that he is going to come after me. What should I do now? Please help me and give me some advice. My insurance case manager told me she will hire lawyer and ask if I need to disclose my personal finance.

도와주세요, 미리 감사드립니다,

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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