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Q.Experienced pain clinic lawyer

지역New York 아이디k**eancp****
조회2,288 공감0 작성일12/20/2016 6:47:00 PM
I have an acupuncturist who needs to set up a business entity and also needs advice on working with other caregivers like physical therapists, chiropractors, etc. Can you recommend a Korean speaking lawyer who has experience setting up a pain clinic?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

이원석 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 1/20/2017 12:59:16 PM
Any experienced business attorney can help your friend. He/she doesn't have to be an attorney who has an experience in setting up a pain clinic.

Since you are located at New York, you should find an attorney in your state.

이원석 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 fredleelaw@gmail.com

전화 714-634-1234

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