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Q.변호사가 bar list에 없는 경우

지역California 아이디i**oar****
조회1,308 공감0 작성일11/25/2011 8:22:13 AM
안녕하세요 수고가 많으 십니다. General 질문 입니다.
다름이 아니오라 만일 변호사 이름이 state bar list에 없는 경우는 변호사가 아닌 경우 인거 맞나요? court 변호사도 state bar에 나와야 하는거 맞죠?
현제 변호사 이면서 bar list에 안나오게 할수는 없는거죠?
미리 답변 감사드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

회원 답변글
j**on9176**** 님 답변 답변일 11/25/2011 10:31:09 AM
If you checked www.calbar.ca.gov, that list contains only attorneys licensed by CA. If an attorney is licensed in another state and not in CA, he or she would not be on the CA list.
c**o**** 님 답변 답변일 11/25/2011 1:21:29 PM
맞습니다...그리고 리스트에 없으면 그 주에서 활동을 할수 없습니다만 연방법...즉 이민법은 할수 있는것으로 알고 있으나, 현재 운영하는 지역 주에 등록이 돼어 있지 않으면 운영하는 주 법원에 현지 자격증을 가진 다른 변호사와 파트너쉽으로 운영 할 수도 있습니다.
또한 각 주마다 리스트가 있으므로 어디에서 변호사 자격증을 받았는지 먼저 확인 하셔야 합니다.
g**chan**** 님 답변 답변일 11/26/2011 5:20:34 AM
First thing when you call an attorney - ask "are you admitted in xxx state where the client is" then ask how to verify.

It's not unusual and it is the client's right and obligation.

Lots of many Koreans feel unethical to ask an attorney such but to the contrary it is very certain way to ask before you sign an service agreement or even a consultation.

Practicing Immigration law is subject to each state bar overseers regulation for advertisement concerns. Any good standing attorney may be eligible to practice before the USCIS and/or Immigration Court but may take further steps to practice in a Federal court to be admitted as well as in a state court.

Practicing only before the USCIS does not require any court appearance but running an advertisement is subject to the state bar overseers' regulation, so long as the person is a licensed attorney in any where of the U.S. If the person is not an attorney licensed in anywhere of U.S., bar overseers cannot do anything because the person is not an attorney. If this is the case, call prosecutor's office for unauthorized practice of law.

In NJ a brazillian advogado held herself as an attorney in the US that she was not but I witnessed she ran her advertisement in a brazillian paper telling that international law attorney. "Kookjebup" Whenever you see "kookjebup" be cautious. Immigration is not an international law; it is a US law.

There is nothing for the bar overseer's to do because the person is not an attorney - only prosecutors office can determine to prosecute such person as unauthorized practice of law.

Usually any attorney out of state licensed runs advertisement clearly showing not admitted to practice law in that particular state OR immigration only to avoid confusion to the public.

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