Q.Credit card 빚 이 collection으로 넘어가 collection law firm 에서 편지 왔는데요
작성일7/19/2017 3:05:08 PM
Collection law firm 에서 " 네가 30일 안에 편지 답장 않하면 빚이 valid로 간주한다." 라고 연락왔는데요.
(" if you notify this oggicein writingwithin the 30 day period that the debt is disouted, this office will obtin verification of the debt or a copy of judgment against you and copy of such verificationor judgement will be mailed to you by this office".
(1) 30일 안에 답장해야되나요?
(2) 니가 repy 하면 judgement 를 받아서 너한태 보내주곘다는 말인것 같은대,
괜히 reply 했가다 그쪽이 sue를 걸갰금 긁어부스럼 만드는것아닌가 겁나는대요. what shoudl I do?
(3) these were written on the letter:
current creditor :Cavalry SPV I , LLC
file number: ...
originl account number : correctly written
original creditor : citibank
current balance: correct amount was written
전부 다 맞게 써있네요.
(4) 반으로 깍아주곗다고 settle offer도 써있읍니다.
그런데 제가 돈이 전혀없어 할수가 없으니다.
my questions:
(1)what shoudl I do?
shoudl I reply within 30 days?
(2) is the 30day priod very critical or firm?
(3) If I do not reply with 30 days, do I become to miss any opportunity to dispute it?
(4) if I do not reply within 30 days, does it make this case worse?
I had other US bank credit card debtwhich was bought by colletion company.
In April I got the similar letter from the collection company but i have not replied yet.
shoudl I reply now although 3 months passed?
please help me!
I will greatly apprecited any answer from the bottom of my heart!