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Q.Default on different name.

지역California 아이디t**odes****
조회575 공감0 작성일1/5/2011 9:59:21 AM
Sorry, somehow I cannot write in Korean here.

I got default judgment because of law suit. When I got summon, I signed for process server. And I just let it go and I got judgment for a certain amount. However, in the suit as well as in judgment, I later realized that name being sued is not my name. For example, if my name is Yongsun Koong, in there name being sued is Koong Yong Sun. In county superior court website, if I use last name Sun, I can find my case but if I use Koong, the case dosen't appear.

Question is; I know I got true judgment but is it enforcible through writ? Like putting lien or froze bank account which are of course under last name of Koong.

Thanks in advance. Happy New Year for everybody.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
b**kerdh**** 님 답변 답변일 1/21/2011 3:38:47 PM
They sued a right person but with wrong legal name. You should decline any claim against you. They may have to sue you again with proper legal name.

They can't enforce the judgment against you.
b**01**** 님 답변 답변일 3/1/2011 5:33:19 PM
it's just a matter of time, they will correct it or sue again if they find it is enforcible. so, you better hire your attorney beforehand or you will need to go other state and live anonymously(it;'s hard choice)

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