[법률] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.위증과 허위기재 사실이 발견될때 어떤 처벌 받나요?

지역California 아이디k**040****
조회1,951 공감0 작성일3/10/2012 1:15:31 AM

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this report, and its attachments, if any, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, except as to the information i have received from others. As to that information, i declare under penalty of perjury that the information accurately describes the information provided to me and, except as noted herein, that i believe to be true.
I declare that the medical records were personally reviewed M.D. They were then placed in chronological order, collated and/or summarized for transcription by a licensed Nurse. The collation of records was supervised by M.D.

I further declare under penalty of perjury that i have not violated LAbor Code Section 139.3 of the California LAbor Code, in that i have not offered, delivered, received or accepted any rebate, refund, commission, preference, patronage, dividend, discount or other consideration, whether in the form of money or otherwise, as compensation or inducement for any referenced examination or evaluation. The contents of this report and bill are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

변호사님들께 부탁드립니다.전문적인 해석과 위증시 처벌내용과 보상범위
명예회손을 은근하게 표현하며 남에게 동조하라는 언질의 표현일때....진정으로 부탁드립니다.예: 판정의사의 허위사실을 어디에 고발하며 법적시효는(판정의사의 판사 보고서)

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
k**040**** 님 답변 답변일 3/13/2012 1:17:41 AM
세상인심 야박하다. 발빠르고 입심좋은 꼴뚜기님과 공인중립자님도 답글이 없고, 쟁쟁한 변호사님들도 꼬리를 내리고 답글이 없네요? 세상에 도덕심이나 절대성은 존재할수가 없읍니다. 무엇이 두려워 답글이 없는지 토론 좀 해봅시다. 토론해야 ask가 삽니다. 수많은 네티즌님께 선언합니다. 표현의 자유에 있어 무엇이 두려운지 법적이 내에서 톤론할 분들을 찾읍니다.

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