Q.소설 vs 실화
작성일12/3/2017 10:24:12 AM
Have been into the mental hospital before. The young police went out, the other
espanol Police came out from back of the office. The young police seems like he
knew about my husband and was fond of him while we communicate.
Well ~ it might be same line and cooperate in behind.
The espanol Hispanic chief police said he has a plan. One is this and the
Other is stopping what is going on around me right now. They put me in mental
Hospital again by police’s power and the young police lied whole thing on the paper that
I hurt others andI hurt myself. I had a job and was going to school for LVN pre-class.
Why i visited the police station and told this unusually sentence to police 6 AM.
I am not that crazy.
While I was in mental hospital, all the pieces of puzzles (incidents) I went through since my
pharmacy school back in 2008 was completed. Police had the power to put someone in
mental hospital by describing someone was told that one can hurt onself and others.
Then they put that person in mental hospital.
I realized that it was that espanol Hispanic cop’s ideas back in 2008.
Maybe they also made deal with Mr. Chang? Now too Maybe god knows !
Anyway putting me into mental hospital 1st and 2nd by spreading rumor around me
Was PURPOSE. Now I know.
If this was not enough maybe I do not have to write this all these story.
I am just concentrate moving my life forward. But They still follows me and bugging.
I got hired by this lady, Mri**na. She had good heart. I like her and she like me.
But in the morning she wanted me to returned the key and she feel sorry but she worked
Hard to come up to this point. She urge me to visit church and get some help for my life.
I did visit the church 4PM on Sunday. It was Armenian. It seems like pastol’s wife knows
Who I am. She asked me whether I need to visit hospital. She just met me but while she
Pray she was telling that I have raising thought. Jesus ! They put me into mental hospital
Purposely and spread rumor that I have the raising thought so I had to go?
Going back to the Toledo, OH life.
I thought it was a pharmacy I reported in 2007. I harmed no one in my life but I
reported one pharmacy store because the store did not get the medication
in Right way I notice. Besides many things were wrong. I quited my job even
though they were paying me $16/hr instead of $12 as a pharmacy technician.
People were telling me that my ex husband was the one who were harming me behind.
I could not believe because I did nothing wrong to him.
I went through 9 years of torture doing what they are doing behind.
Not this much but yes people recognize me in the past little while I lived in US.
Once they, I believe my exhunsband and Hispanic cop line, knew whether I am at
They screw. I guess they did to my nursing school !
The big major thing happen in South Korea by Mr. Chang and also this time in US.
My ex-husband, Mr. Chang and the espanol Hispanic cop and his crew who are working behind
For Hispanic cop. 1st corruption was from the US by the espanol Hispanic cop line. Through
Them and believing them it spread to S. Korea and Hong Kong where Mr. Chang has some
Kinds of back power through connection.
When espanol cop receive information about my 2nd marriage from my ex-husband, I am sure
that he confirm my Status. Because screwing my life 9 years now I am sure he did involved
immigration if he can.
Yes through my 2nd marriage there was a hassle. But he left US after two months of marriage
in 2004 without getting a green card from me. But they did what they did to me and
spread the rumor with my ex-husband. This time everyone definitely knew what is going on
but they did it any way. In addition to many stories were lie and manipulation to hurt my US
life. What brought it this way? MONEY POWER . I am sure all those Hispanic people who
work behind to spread the rumor and chasing my car and scratching my car is not done
for someone’s favor.
제일 미운 사람 애들 아빠..
그 사람의 시작으로 전개가 되었고 같이 놀고 앉았고.
주었고 도왔고.. 애들 아빠였기에.
거짓으로 말 지어냄으로 나를 나쁜인간으로 만들었지..
그리고 정말 정신병원에서 치료를 받아야할
국제무역상사의 장태오란 인간.
그는 나 한사람만 이렇게 해놓은 것이 아니다.
박*혜 40살이나 자기보다 어린아이 뽑아먹고..
대한민국에서 못살게끔 만들고.. 그 모습을 보고..
살아오면서 오만 인간을 나같이 괴롭히고 삶을 망가트리고 했겠지.
당신이라면 같이 있겠는가..
이렇게들 행동해야지 직성이 풀이나보지..
특히 한국인간.. 사둔이 땅을 사면 배가 아프다고.
장태오는 미국오니 그렇게 양쪽에서 살수있는 것이 배가 아픈것이였고.
애들 아빠는 지잘못으로 틀어진 지인생 나한테 화풀이 한것이였고.
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