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Q.중재(재판)결정 꼭 따라야되나요

지역California 아이디O**ank****
조회756 공감0 작성일2/4/2018 7:00:24 PM
제 변호사와의 변호사비 문제로 중재신청을 할까하는데여,
arbitration program 에 일단 들어가면, 그 결정 나오면 무조건 따라야 하나여? 아니면 결정이 맘에 안들면 안따라도 되나여?

Due to the fee dispute with my lawyer, I consider arbitration program.:

(1) If I enter the arbitration program, should I necessarily follow the arbitration decision regardless of my agreement to the decision (whether I like the decision or not)?

Or can I reject the arbitration decision and not follow the arbitration decision in case I do not like the arbitration decision?

(2) what arbitration program is good for a client?

(I have some dispute with an associate lawyer of a law firm because he cheated me so much.
So I sent email to the president of the law firm. Then, the president of the law firm suggested me for both party to apply for LA County Bar Association Arbitration program.

However, I think the specific arbitration program might be favorable toward a lawyer, not toward a client.

I found that there was an arbitration program in BBB, and also found there was arbitration program in California State Bar.

What arbitration program is best for a client?

Thanks in advance for your advice!!!!

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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