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Q.short sale approved...

지역Florida 아이디rus****
조회3,091 공감0 작성일3/5/2012 3:07:36 PM
은행에서 short sale approved letter를 받았습니다..
26만불 론을 했는데 집은 13만불로 결정이 되었습니다..
제가 겁이 나는것은 나머지 론 13만불 정도인데..이것을 탕감해준다는건지..
부탁 합니다...제발 그냥 지나가지 마시고 요약해서 해석좀 부탁 합니다..
감사 합니다,,,

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage approves the sale of the above referenced property. This sale will result in a short
payoff of the mortgage loan referenced above, and the mortgagor(s) by completing the short sale based on this
Demand Statement, acknowledge and waive any and all rights to any escrow balance, insurance proceeds or
refunds from prepaid expenses. Neither the seller nor any other party may receive any sale proceeds or any funds
or any funds as a result of this transaction except as noted in this Demand Statement. In accordance with state
and local laws, the Demand Statement may be voided at any time.
When Wells Fargo Home Mortgage receives the required payoff and all required documentation, we will arrange
for the mortgage of record to be released. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage will notify the mayor credit bureau(s) to
reflect "account paid in full with less than full balance?which should appear on the credit report within 60-90
days the date of notification, however, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is not a credit bureau and cannot control how
or when the report will reflect information to other users of credit reports. Compliance with this Demand
Statement coupled with release of the mortgage shall waive the bank뭩 right to seek a deficiency under the loan
documents or any of its other rights there under, and the obligations evidenced by the note.
What you need to know about foreclosure
Even though you have been approved for a short sale, it뭩 important to understand that the foreclosure process
may proceed at the same time. Foreclosure may continue and a sale date may be scheduled as you are actively
working towards completing the short sale.
Please note, as part of the foreclosure process you may receive notices delivered by mail or see steps being taken to
proceed with a foreclosure sale of your home. There isn뭪 much time. So in order to help you, it뭩 critical that you
comply with the requirements of the short sale promptly.
Once certified funds are received and approval is final, a document releasing the mortgage will be sent to record
this decision. If the property was in foreclosure, that action will stop when the terms of the approval are met.
Sale approval details
This approval is based on the purchase contract dated August 31, 2011 between , the seller(s), and
A LLC, the buyer(s), for a purchase price of $130000.00 and in a HAFA closing an executed Request
for Approval of Short Sale. The terms of our approval and instruction to the Settlement Agent are as follows:

1. The required payoff is $127846.07, scheduled for settlement on or before April 23, 2012. Your contribution and

settlement costs for this transaction are:

Mortgagor contribution:

Cash at Closing: 10000.00

Promissory Note: 0

Approved Seller Closing Costs:

Real Estate Commission: 7800.00

Settlement fees 1300.00

Title ins 725.00

taxes 543.93

Title search fee 125.00

Tax & lien search 250.00

stamps 910.00

estoppel 250.00

Atty fee 250.00

Approved seller concession to buyer's closing costs: 0

Itemization of concession:

Excess funds, if any, must be paid to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.

Please be advised that any reference to the junior lien holder payoff is contingent upon separate written approval

of the transaction by the junior lien holder. Furthermore, if the junior lien holder is affiliated with Wells Fargo &

Co. or any of its subsidiaries, the approval must be obtained separately. This does not constitute approval on

behalf of any junior lien holder. In addition, per the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA)

program, prior to releasing any funds to holders of subordinate liens and/or mortgages, the closing agent must

obtain a written commitment from the subordinate lien holder that it will release Seller from all claims and

liability relating to the subordinate lien in exchange for receiving the agreed upon payoff amount.

2. You as the Settlement Agent must contact Wells Fargo Home Mortgage no later than 48 hours before the

scheduled settlement date and provide a copy of the final HUD-1 Settlement Statement. The final estimated

HUD-1 must comply with the approval terms noted above and must contain complete buyer and seller

information including a forwarding address for the seller. In addition, the Settlement Agent must provide the

information required on the enclosed title worksheet as well as the fully executed HUD Closing Worksheet, for

FHA loans. If settlement is delayed and/or rescinded, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage must be notified immediately

to review the request and provide written approval, if granted per investor or mortgage insurance guidelines.

3. Furthermore you as the Seller, for and in consideration of the approval, closing, and funding of the short payoff,

agree that you will re-execute any documents after closing should any corrections be needed due to any

typographical or

clerical errors discovered in any or all of the closing documentation required to be executed at

the time of settlement.

4. The purchase contract may not be amended without Wells Fargo Home Mortgage prior written approval.

Furthermore, the seller acknowledges that the buyer is not related to the seller, and any relationship between a

participating Broker/Realtor has been disclosed prior to issuing this Demand Statement. This transaction may

not close if it involves any third party who received a deed from mortgagor at, prior to, or after settlement, and the

purchase contract may not be assigned.

5. The required payoff funds together with any excess funds must be wired to:

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Account No.:

ABA No.:

Special Information for Beneficiary:

Apply Funds to loan:


From: Sender's Name and phone number

* If this information is not provided the wire will be rejected.

6. Settlement Agent and Seller(s) must execute this Demand Statement which shall evidence their understanding

and agreement of the conditions and terms under which Wells Fargo Home Mortgage agrees to the short sale and

release of mortgage.

7. The Closing Documents including the fully executed Demand Statement, and original executed Promissory

Note, in applicable, must be delivered to us prior to the settlement to:

* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

탈퇴한 전문가 님 답변 답변일 3/5/2012 6:00:33 PM
문구에 나와있는대로 숏세일이 끝나고 나서 60일이나 90일후에 " account paid in full with less than full balance" 라고 올려준다는 말입니다. Wells Fargo 은행 스스로가 크레딧 뷰로우가 아니기때문에 개런티는 못하지만 그렇게 기록을 남길꺼란 말입니다. 또한 밀렸던 은행빚을 다 갚은건 아니지만 다 갚은걸로 간주한다는 말입니다.

Deficiency Judgement을 걸어 Seller을 Claim 하겠다는 말은 한마디도 없습니다.

만약에 주니어 린(second or third)융자가 있다면 이번 숏세일을 시행하는 오피서가 각각 다른 컨츄렉으로 Lien을 Realse (탕감)했다는 서류가 필요하다고 하는데 만약에 Second or Third Lien이 없으시면 걱정 안하셔도 됩니다.

HUD-1은 에스크로 크로징 서류인데 질문에 있는것 처럼 돈을 어디다 얼마만큼 썼다는 자세한 명세서 입니다.

더 자세한 질문이 있으시면 연락 주세요.
회원 답변글
d**i**** 님 답변 답변일 3/5/2012 9:20:34 PM
위의 전문가님의 설명과 더불어 말씀 드리자면, Wells Fargo로 받으신 편지상에 나와있는
"Compliance with this Demand Statement coupled with release of the mortgage shall waive the bank right to seek a deficiency under the loan documents or any of its other rights there under, and the obligations evidenced by the note." 뜻은 은행이 선생님의 채무를 면제(release) 해주는것과 결부하여, 면제해주는 차액 (deficiency)에 대한 추후 은행측이 선생님께 갚으라고 따라오지 않는다는 내용 입니다.(차액 $130,000가량을 탕감 받으신다는 내용 입니다.)

보기에 6개월 (이상) 전에 받으신 오퍼로 정말 어렵게, 오래걸려 승인받으신 숏세일인데, 승인 마감 기한인 4/23/2012 까지 선생님의 에이전트분과 잘 상의하셔서 무사히 Transaction Close 하시기를 바랍니다.

한가지 제가 개인적으로 궁금한것은 "Cash at Closing: $ 10000.00" 는 Buyer 가 내는것 인가요? (아니면 선생님께서 내시는것 인가요?)
rus**** 님 답변 답변일 3/6/2012 9:12:51 AM
친절한 답변에 감사 합니다..
민동규님이 말씀하시는 $10000은 저보고 내라고 하였는데요..
buyer에게 seller가 낼 형편이 아니라고 전하니 원체 집값을 싸게 잡은탓에 buyer가 대신
내기로 하였습니다..
그리고 한가지 더 궁금한게 있는데요..
원래 저희 부부가 같이 론을 했는데요..어디에도 우리 와이프 이름이 나와 있는게 없습니다..
이번 short sale approved letter에요..남편이름만 나와 있구요..
혹시 나중에 우리 와이프 이름으로 차액을 청구 하는일은 없겠죠..혹시 노파심에요..
혹시 아시는분 답변 꼭 부탁 합니다..감사 합니다
d**i**** 님 답변 답변일 3/6/2012 9:51:39 AM
바이어가 $10,000을 내시기로 하셨다니 정말 잘 되었네요.

제 상식선에서 말씀드리자면, 이번에 받으신 Short Sale Approval은 선생님의 Loan(Account 전체)에 대하여 받은것이지, 선생님 혹은 부인 개인에 대한 (은행측의 선택적인) 탕감이 아닙니다.
걱정 않하셔도 될것 같네요.

아무쪼록 은행측이 제시한 기간 이내에 무사히 Close 하시기를 바랍니다.

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