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Q.renting an apartment. repair windows and other issues

지역California 아이디s**le56****
조회628 공감0 작성일8/27/2009 1:16:27 PM

I am renting an apartment.
however, i have problem with windows, blinds, and etc. I file repair order to the manager. I called, left voice messages, wrote letters couple of times and nothing was done.
not even a call back. so today, I finally got hold of someone named Daniel (who claimed to be a maintenance person). I wanted to get a name, phone number or even fax number of the owner or who is responsible of filing home repair for that apartment. Daniel claimed that he does not know any contact information nor the owner's name. the funny thing is, I got Daniel's number where the sign "Rent: please call following number: 310) 375-9936, right in front of the apartment. if Daniel's claim is right, why would someone put that number on the sign? people possibly call that number to rent the apartment or find out the rates.
anyway, long story short, just want to repair my windows and others. is there a way I can file complaint and the actual owner or management group sees my issue. and possibly they repair my apartment?
Thank you.

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
e**yon**** 님 답변 답변일 8/27/2009 1:30:02 PM
sure ~
you gata do what u gata do ..thats all

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