Q.연구변호사 [또는 법과대학원생] 구함
작성일2/28/2012 6:43:24 AM
장애자소송의 법률문서에 다음 구절이 있는데, 이를 지지하는 법률조항 및 판례를 찾고 있습니다. 또한 우리는 연구변호사 [또는 법과대학원생]를 구하고 있습니다. 자신 또는 이런 연구변호사 [또는 법과대학원생]를 아는 분들은 우리에게 연락바랍니다. 주요 역할은 Authorities를 찾는 것입니다. 사례는 충분히 할 것입니다.
Hot issue and Plaintiff needs to state facts sufficiently and specifically to demonstrate why Plaintiff is not a hunter but a genuine customer
Currently, in handicap civil right cases, the hot issue is whether the handicap person was a hunter or a genuine customer for the business as fully stated in the cross-complaint. The complaint fails to state sufficiently why Plaintiff was a genuine customer for Defendant’s business but not a hunter who was searching the victims to extort settlement money; how and for what reason and in what state of mind in how long distance, Plaintiff started to drive from his home or his business until that destination; what is his home or business address and why he should go to that specific destination to buy what products or get what services; why he could be a genuine customer to all other settled cases and this case; how could he be a genuine customer for Defendant’s business not a hunter against Defendant while Plaintiff find and sue 500 victims about for 3 years; and so on so on. The complaint never states sufficiently and fully about this issue. Now, Plaintiff cannot state sufficient facts for the causes of action unless he states frauds. Thus, this demurrer should be sustained without leave to amend at this time.
Therefore, for the issue of hunter or genuine customer, the mere statement with “intention or desire to shop” is insufficient. It is not sure “where is the hunter’s address he started to drive there and why he selected that specific market, not other market, with the perfect handicap parking space, and why Plaintiff, the Defendant shop one of so many shops Defendant sued is not the victim of hunter, the number of lawsuits is critical with intention or desire to shop.
In addition, Plaintiff suffered no injury, while injury is one of the elements to sue. As a hunter not as a prospective genuine customer, Plaintiff or his agent just observed the parking lot and left without any injury in order to search another victim.
동서문화원 원장/ 사법혁신원 원장/ LA서울라이온스클럽 수석부회장 이 진 213-482-1805
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