인스테이트조건을 알아보시는 중이시군요.
현재 갖고 계신, L-1 비자는 이것의 소지자의 배우자와 21세 미만 미혼 자녀들은 L-2S 승인이 되며 미국에서 풀타임으로 공부할 수 있지만, L-1 비자 소지자의 배우자만이 노동 허가를 받을 수 있습니다.
미국은 분명 학비가 비싸지만, 가치는 있습니다만, 학생의 현재 학업능력에 따라 대학선택이 달라질 것입니다.
UC계열의 학비는 다 같습니다.
* California resident undergraduates at all UC campuses pay the same $12,630 in system-wide tuition and fees.
게다가, 유학생등느 2만8천불 정도를 더 부담해야 합니다.
Nonresident students pay an additional $28,014 in nonresident supplemental tuition.
자세한 내용은 링크를 참조하세요.
다만, 장학금은 유학생이나, 비거주자들에게 거의 없다고 보면 됩니다. 결국 4만불이상의 연간학비와 기타 비용이 필요할 것입니다.
행운를 빕니다.
인스테이트에 관한 내용입니다. 10가지 꼭 알아야 할 사항입니다.
California residency for tuition purposes eligibility criteria are established by State Law and the California Code of Regulations. California State University implements these Laws and Regulations.
California State University cannot alter or waive the eligibility criteria for any reason.
Under California law, if you have moved to California primarily to attend a California institution of higher learning, then you are not eligible for in-state tuition.
Living in California for 12 months is not an automatic qualification for in-state tuition.
You must prove through official and/or legal documents that you have moved to California permanently and are not merely living in California temporarily while you attend California State University, however long your course of study may take.
Financial hardship cannot be considered in evaluating California residency for tuition purposes eligibility.
Legal ties that you maintain in another state or country (e.g., state tax liability, a driver’s license, voter’s registration, etc.) will disqualify you from residency reclassification, regardless of your reason(s) for maintaining these ties.
Evidence that you are receiving out-of-state financial support in any way, either directly (e.g. tuition payments, parent PLUS loans, etc.) or indirectly (e.g., parent-purchased or co-purchased residences, parent-controlled financial portfolios), will disqualify you from California residency for-tuition-purposes.
Despite the length of time you attend California State University or live in California, you might not qualify for California residency for-tuition-purposes.
Residency reclassification applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted during the term in which reclassification is requested.