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Q.high school science course?

지역Washington 아이디e**nkim9****
조회1,638 공감0 작성일6/7/2010 10:03:46 PM
Hi I'm currently a junior at an American high school in Washington state and I'm not sure what science course I'd like to take next year.

I have taken Experimental Science, Biology and Chemistry, and I'm not sure if I should take Physics, Advanced Biology or AP Biology.

Some colleges I am interested are NYU, Columbia, Boston College and Yale among others. I'm definitely not planning to study Science in college; I'm more interested/have stronger abilities in English and the Humanities. (to be more specific, I'd like to study Communications or Education).

The other classes I have signed up to take for my senior year are AP English, AP Government, AP Calculus, Video Communications and Journalism. Outside of school, I also run my school's National Honor Society, Art Appreciation Club and a few other things.

I hear colleges require a certain amount of "lab sciences" and I have only taken two (unless Experimental Science counts as a lab science), so what should I take for science next year?

Should I take Physics since it's a "basic" science? Many past Physics students said it is an extremely difficult class. And I am also nervous to sign up for AP Bio because that takes up extra time to complete labs and is also an extremely difficult class. I'm scared that these classes would bring my GPA down, but is Physics necessary? I'm most comfortable with Advanced Bio but what do I need to do?

I'd appreciate any advice! Thank you so much!

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

Howard Songhyun Hwang 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 6/8/2010 7:19:57 AM
I understand about your confusion on which science course to take your senior year.
Since you have already taken regular biology and chemistry, I highly recommend that you take an AP science class in your senior year. (Especially, considering the schools you're aiming for.)
Physics is not a required subject for admission in your case.
I highly recommend that you take AP Biology.
It's going to take up more time and effort but that's what colleges are looking for.
They're looking for classes that are going to prep you for college workload.
I hope this helps.
If you need any other advice, feel free to post more questions.
Good luck with your studies.

Howard Songhyun Hwang [유학/교육]

직업 대학 입시 학원원장

이메일 howard@hectutoring.com

전화 310-944-9909

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