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Q.소액 소송후 결과에 따라 어떤 절차

지역California 아이디c**onin****
조회1,333 공감0 작성일6/24/2019 11:30:53 AM
소액 소송후 결과에 따라 어떤 절차가 이어지는지 궁금합니다.
상대방은 법정기한상 언제까지 돈을 반환하여야고
만일 상대가 이런 저런 이유로 법원에서 판결한 금액을
반환안한다면 이후 어떤 절차로 반환을 받을 수있는지요.
도움 말씀 감사드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

회원 답변글
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 6/25/2019 2:30:34 PM
“The creditor may have asked for an “execution” at the end of your case. If they get an execution from the judge, they can “levy on the execution” . . . . . .

A Writ of Execution (EJ-130), 귀하의 권리에 관해 알려주고. . .

You as the judgment creditor must: Complete a Writ of Execution (EJ -130). Have it issued by the clerk and pay the issuance fee by submitting it to the court location where your case was filed or you may also submit the document by eFile.
판결 채권자는 귀하의 케이스가 접수 된 법원 에 수수료와 함께
집행 영장 (Form EJ-130; the Writ of Execution)을 작성 하여 제출 해야 합니다.

You need to get a writ before you can use any collection methods.

How to Complete the Writ of Execution (Form EJ-130)

You may be able to work with the debtor if he or she is willing. The person's financial situation may be temporary. If so, you could work out a payment plan or make arrangements to have them pay in the future.

tipulation for Time Payments (L-1094); STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR PAYMENT OF JUDGMENT
If you cannot agree on a payment plan, the judgment debtor can file a form called Request to Make Payments (SC-220). The court will mail you a copy. You can file a Response to Request to Make Payments (SC-221) that lets the court know what kind of payment plan you want. Read the Payments In Small Claims (SC-220-INFO)

You can identify other assets–not protected by DEBTOR EXEMPTION LAWS –that you can levy on, such as a bank account or real property (preferably other than the place where the person lives).

Judgment Debtor’s Statement of Assets (SC-133)
If the judgment debtor does not return a completed Statement of Assets form to you within 30 days after the Notice of Entry of Judgment was mailed to the parties, you can get the court to order them to go back to Small Claims court.
File a form called Order to Produce Statement of Assets and to appear for Examination (SC-134) .You will have to pay a filing fee. The clerk will give you a hearing date.
Note: if you already know what assets the judgment debtor has, you can skip this step and go directly to levying (seizing) assets as described below.

The Order will not be valid unless it is personally served on the judgment debtor. It must be served by the: Sheriff, or
Licensed process server (check the internet or Yellow Pages).

Provide the Sheriff or process server with:
A copy of the Order.
Written instructions of the name and address of the person to serve, best time of day to attempt service, and description of the person.”

United States Pro Bono (no cost) Legal Services
Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice
Primary Address: 2606 E 1st St
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Zip: 90033-3506
General Phone: 213-266-2690

‘집요함’ 으로 결실을. . .

B**g**** 님 답변 답변일 6/25/2019 5:06:09 PM

금액이 소액이라도 법정판결로 발생한 채무를 [악성채무] 라고 하며
채무를 갚지 않을 땐
크레딧이 다 망가지고 ..망가진 크레딧을 회복 할려면
아~주 골치아픈 복잡한 절차와 오랜 시간이 걸립니다.

소송으로 발생한 채무는 판결일로부터 30일이내에 갚아야하고
법원안에 Lien을 신청하는 곳(법원직원에게 문의)에 가서... 신청 해 놓으면 됩니다.

LA Court House(법원)일 경우
N. Grand Ave 쪽에있는 출입구 보안검사대를 통과하면 왼쪽편에 있습니다.

s**jdghk**** 님 답변 답변일 6/25/2019 10:43:37 PM
판결에 따라 돈을 지급하지 않으면 크레딧은 완전히 망가지고 상대방이 당신의 모든 재산 (자동차, 월급, 집, 현금) 을 lien 을 걸어 돈을 합법적으로 빼갈수 있게 됩니다

은행구좌에서 돈을 합법적으로 빼갈수 있고요 돈을 다 갚을때까지 입니다
만약에 고의적으로 돈을 갚지 않으면 다른 형사 소송에 걸려 골치 아프게 됩니다

갚을 돈이 있으면 갚는것이 속 편하고 좋습니다

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