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Q.린에 대하여...

지역Illinois 아이디g**290****
조회1,322 공감0 작성일9/18/2019 6:37:45 AM
집이나 차에 린이 걸린걸 어떻게 확인 할수 있는지 알고 있습니다. 답변 좀 부탁드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

회원 답변글
u**yourdau**** 님 답변 답변일 9/18/2019 3:37:04 PM
부동산은 카운티 Recorder에 가셔서 등록정보를 뽑아보시면 됩니다. https://www.lavote.net/home/records
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 9/19/2019 10:51:04 AM

“Acquire the VIN number.
Go to your state DMV site and see if they have a title checker feature.
Pull a vehicle report.

Use a site such as CarFax, AutoCheck or CarProof to pull a vehicle report.
While this option is not free, it will not only put your lien concerns to rest, it can also alert you to recalls associated with the vehicle as well as if the car has ever been in an accident.
Note: Fees vary by site.

Visit the DMV. If your local DMV does not provide online access to titles, it is possible to visit their local office and request a title report.

Warning: Do not complete the purchase of a vehicle until you have a free and clear title to the vehicle. Even if the seller has proof via a lien release, until the DMV notates that on the title, you will not own the car free and clear. The hassle and fees of contacting the DMV to correct any errors on the title will fall to you.”
r**rjfdl**** 님 답변 답변일 10/2/2019 1:06:47 PM
린이 무엇을 말하는 것이가요?

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