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지역North Carolina 아이디c**ron****
조회2,978 공감0 작성일6/14/2014 5:38:19 AM
Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Ms. Yong Kim. I am a naturalized American citizen of Korean descent. If I have sent this letter to the wrong please forward it to the appropriate office for processing.

I owned a sewing/alteration/dry cleaning business in Fayetteville, NC called Victory Sewing and Dry Cleaning, at 2608 Hope Mills Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306. About 4 months ago, Mr. Jae Myong Koh contacted me. He told me that if I closed my shop and moved to Wilmington he would pay me clear $700.00 per week for at least 2 years. I have a contract signed by him and notarized stating this and stating that he would be responsible to take out state and federal taxes. He never had me fill out the tax forms stating whether or not I wanted to claim 1 or 0 on my taxes. He never took out any taxes and paid me cash under the table. He is also at present employing 6 or 7 illegal Mexicans, working them less than 30 hours per week and paying them less than $4.00 per hour…again cash under the table. I worked for him from 03-17-14 to 04-04-14. At which time he admitted to me that he was also illegal and demanded that I marry him so that he could acquire a US Green Card. I refused his marriage offer and he fired me. I am now without my business, without employment and stuck in a strange city. I have my conversation with him recorded. I worked long and hard to attain my US Citizenship and I am proud to be an American who acquired my citizenship the right way. I ask that you investigate Mr. Jae Myung (Mike) Koh and his business. Please make sure that he can never take advantage of another American woman or desperate
people who might be here in this country illegally. Please feel free to contact me for either a copy of my contract or a copy of my recorded conversation about his marriage proposal. Thank you very much in advance for your kind attention to this matter.

PS: i report US Customs and Border Protection

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Sincerely US Citizenship and Immigration Services US Citizenship and Immigration Services
344 Shipyard Blvd.

Wilmington, NC 28412 US Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCIS Application Support Center
301 Roycroft Drive

Durham, NC 27703 US Citizenship and Immigration Services

USCIS Application Support Center
4801 Chastain Avenue Building # 10, Suite # 175
Charlotte, NC 28217-2231
and i call U S homeland security 866-347-2423 4/8/14 but they do nothing i like to know how many more victim come like me ?

jae myong koh owner off 7419 market street other shop 2629 Carolina beach Wilmington NC people call hem mike

their any one can give me advice and help me ?
i try legal aid of north Carolina inc Wilmington office in 201 N front st but they say no one can help me!
where and how i can get justify ?

what i find 6/12/14
jae myung koh (mike) ms kim`s clearner is not have any business license federal government or state and wilmington police
department M G Beguhl say all he can do some one hit the fist than he can help
all my god wath is america law sames like help criminal more than victim

i am victim emitted a scream. where is justify????

i am victim emitted a scream. where is justify????

how people can have business without license ?????

no job no money

thank you
god bless

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
drj**** 님 답변 답변일 6/16/2014 1:02:43 AM
Ms. Kim,

My recommendation is to contact Homeland Security, State Labor department, and IRS. That will take care of fraudulent activity caused by someone named Koh. Paying Cash to employees, underpaying employees below minimum wage and being illegal are something those agencies will take it seriously and enforce.

Now, as far as you crying out for being victimized, there aren't that many people who will help or be sympathetic with you. You decided to choose the opportunity given by quack and you have to bear the consequences of making bad business decision. Good luck! Please get over this mess and hold yourself together. God Bless you.
c**ron**** 님 답변 답변일 6/16/2014 5:41:35 AM
drjk 님 감사합니다

Homeland Security, State Labor department, and IRS. That will take care of fraudulent activity caused by someone named Koh. Paying Cash to employees, underpaying employees below minimum wage and being illegal are something those agencies will take it seriously and enforce

i that 2month go but thay doing notthing

정말 감사합니다
행복 한 날 보 네 세요
god blessing

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