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Q.에어비엔비(airbnb) 싸이트의 통해 렌트를 주고 있는데요

지역New York 아이디s**nsam8****
조회2,251 공감0 작성일6/12/2014 9:05:35 AM
저번주 이런 메일을 받았습니다

Dear Min,

As part of the agreement announced with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on May 21st, we are sending the below notice about laws and regulations in New York. This notice will also be shown to new hosts in New York starting this week.


Before deciding to become an Airbnb host in New York, it's important for you to understand the laws that may apply to you. While we do not provide legal advice, we wanted to provide this non-exhaustive information to help you.

The New York State Multiple Dwelling Law (available here) prohibits short-term rentals of property in Class A multiple dwellings used for permanent residence purposes (which includes most apartment buildings but not single and two-family buildings) unless a permanent occupant of the apartment is present during the stay, no money is exchanged, or if the stay is longer than thirty consecutive days.

Please also be aware of the following:

Taxes. New York City and New York State impose multiple taxes that may apply to transient occupancy or tourist use, subject to certain exemptions. Examples of taxes that could apply to your listing are State sales and use tax, City hotel room occupancy tax, and State and City room fees. Additional information about hotel sales taxes is available here. Additional information about NYC hotel occupancy taxes is available here. (The word “hotel” has a broad definition that could apply to you.)
Rent Regulation. The Administrative Code sets out rules for rent stabilized and rent control properties that apply in addition to the limitations of the Multiple Dwelling Law. If you live in a property subject to rent control, you may be prohibited from subleasing your apartment. If you live in a property subject to rent stabilization, laws may restrict subleasing, the amounts you can sublease or require advance notice to your landlord. Financial penalties, eviction or other remedies could apply.
New York City Zoning Code. The New York City Zoning Code sets out the city regulations on zoning, which may apply to your property.
Business Licensing. The New York City Administrative Code requires certain businesses to obtain a license. You should consult these requirements to determine if your activity must be licensed. More information is available here.
Other Rules. There are other rules and regulations that may apply to your activity, such as third party agreements including leases, HOA rules, Housing Cooperative documents, and Condominium agreements.
We recommend you consult a local lawyer or tax professional. If you have questions, contact the Department of Buildings, Department of Finance or other city agency directly.

저는 일층과 지하가 연결된 듀플렉스형 구조 아파트에 살고 있는데요.
화장실과 출입구가 따로 있는 지하층을 이 웹사이트를 통해서 렌트를 주고 있었는데요 저번주에 이런 메일을 받았습니다
제가 궁금한건 앞으로도 센트를 계속 주어도 문제가 되지않는지
비즈니스 라이센스를 내야 운영할수 있는지 궁금합니다
답변 부탁드립니다.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

케빈 장 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 6/13/2014 10:40:47 AM

본인께서 받으신 편지 내용은 법안이 새로 바뀌었으므로 본인이 해당이 된다면 관련 License 를 발급받아야 한다는 일종의 공지문입니다. 하지만 본인의 Property 가 법안에 나온 내용에 해당이 되는 지에 대하여서는, 본인이 거주하시는 지역 담당 전문가와 상담해보셔야 할듯 싶습니다.

제 조언이 조금이라도 보탬이 되셨기를 바랍니다.

케빈 장 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

케빈 장

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