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Q.10학년 딸아이의 고민을 해결해 주세요~

지역California 아이디b**imo****
조회2,180 공감0 작성일3/23/2011 4:08:33 PM
미국에서 태어난 10학년 첫 딸아이가 혼자서 나름 열심히 공부해 왔는데요,
학년이 오를수록 조금 공부하기가 벅차하는거 같아 학원을 보내야 하나, 썸머스쿨에 보내야 하나...혼자 공부해서 요령있게 공부하는 것이 부족하지 않나 싶어서 아이와 상의를 했어요....
딸아이가 나름 고민을 영어로 적었는데....읽어 보시고 답변 부탁드립니다.

Hello, I have a few questions regarding high school courses:

Before I ask, I will point out my goals. I am a sophomore and the college I aim for is UCLA. I plan to study in the science field in hopes of becoming a pediatrician one day. I am in the Academy of Science and Medicine which requires me to take additional classes in the science field. I am in two orchestras (non-audition) and I do community service every week.

-What will help me stand out from all the applicants applying to college?
-What will be a big plus in my high school career?
-How will I be well-rounded?
-What is considered leadership for college? I have heard from various sources about leadership.

Some say that leadership is when you are an officer for a certain club or an organization.

Some say that you are considered to have leadership if you have been in a certain club or organization for at least 3 years. You don't necessarily have to be an officer.

-What is the best way to spend my summer?
-Do you recommend taking SAT classes?
-What else do you think is the best way to prepare for my future?
-Is it true that your GPA is lowered the more classes you take?

If so, would it be worth to lower your GPA to take classes that you prefer?

For example, I am not a history person. I am in AP Euro right now and I am not very happy with the class. Next year I have to take US History. I know that colleges would rather prefer a “B” in an AP class than an “A” in a regular class, so I have to take APUSH next year. Would it be better to take US history over summer and take either an additional math or a science class?

If not, would taking more classes benefit me? If my GPA isn't lowered, I will definitely take US history over the summer.

The big question is, should I take US history over the summer, or should I take APUSH during the year?

Thank you for your time and consideration. Your comments will greatly clear my pondering mind and help settle my ever pounding heart for my worry for the future.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
k**osin**** 님 답변 답변일 3/24/2011 1:05:20 AM
Hope I can help you but too many questions....

leave your email, then I may answer for some questions if I have time.
j**n268050**** 님 답변 답변일 3/24/2011 1:56:22 AM
Chill out girl, your going too fast. Your only a 10th grader. Your mom thinks you might need additional courses at privat teaching instiutions or summer classes. Your writing indicates otherwise. You need a good counsellor or a mentor who can sit down and spend a good amount of time with you. Not this opnion site. Good luck.

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