[유학/교육] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.노준건님 전에 질문한 학생입니다

지역ETC 아이디s**rtfeel****
조회1,142 공감0 작성일3/21/2011 3:47:04 PM

기준 A와 B는 충족하는데 무슨 패티션을 어떻게 써야하는지 그리고
쓰고나서 1년뒤에 신분갱신을 못할경우엔 어떻게 되나요

true and correct application or petition이 무엇인가요?
이민국을 통해 신분갱신 진행 서류인가요
그리고 C를 이해를 잘 못하겠는데 이게 없으면 입학이 불가능한가요??

A. Resided in this state with a parent or legal guardian while attending classes at a public or private high school in this state for at least two 2 years prior to graduation;
B. Satisfied admission standards for the institution; and

C. Either:
(1) Provides to the institution a copy of a true and correct application or petition filed with the USCIS to legalize the student’s immigration status, or
(2) Files an affidavit with the institution stating that the student will file anapplication to legalize his or her immigration status at the earliest opportunity the student is eligible to do so, but in no case later than:
(a) One (1) year after the date on which the student enrolls for study at the institution, or
(b) If there is no formal process to permit children of parents without lawful immigration status to apply for lawful status without risk of deportation, one (1) year after the date the USCIS provides such a formal process, and

(3) If the student files an affidavit pursuant to subsection C (2) above, presents to the institution a copy of a true and correct application or petition filed with the USCIS no later than:

(a) One (1) year after the date on which the student enrolls for study at the institution, or
(b) If there is no formal process to permit children of parents without lawful immigration status to apply for lawful status without risk of deportation, one (1) year after the date the USCIS provides such aformal process, which copy shall be maintained in the institution’srecords for that student.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

노준건 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 3/21/2011 4:04:04 PM
C (2)에 해당하는 Affidavit 서류가 학교에 있습니다. Site에서 찾던지 담당자에게 요청하세요. 이 서류는 아주 간단합니다. 이 서류와 영주권신청서류를 함께 제출하면 됩니다. 일단 In-state로 분류되면 졸업할때까지 바뀌지 않습니다.

노준건 [유학/교육>입학/학자금]

직업 학자금재정전문가/연방세무사

이메일 finaid52@gmail.com

전화 718-281-4888

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