단, 비거주자일 경우 공동 신고서( joint returns)를 제출할 자격이 없기 때문에 지명 된 비거주자들은 각각 별도의 세금 보고서로 주 거주지 배제 금액을 분담해야합니다.
‘거주자’의 요건등, 비거주자의 경우에 적용되는‘FIRPTA’ 규정등. . .
질문자분 개인의 상황에 적용되는 세법등을 CPA/EA 분들과 상담 하시길 권해드립니다.
“if you don’t have a green card and spend at least 31 days in the U.S. during the current tax year and a total of 183 days during the last three tax years (inclusive of the current tax year), you’ll usually satisfy the physical presence test and are also treated as a resident alien.
Also, do not count days when you are physically present in the US under the following circumstances. . .
'exempt individual' for purposes of this test refers to the following individuals. . .
Nonresident aliens are subject to ‘FIRPTA’ . . .”
https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/determining-alien-tax-status 참고 하세요.