Q.우편물 사고 도와주세요
작성일1/19/2012 4:07:15 PM
지금 황당함 그 자체 입니다.
남편 책을 아마존을 통해서 빠른 멜로 주문 했는데 벌써 일주일이 다되도록 안오더니 오늘 온 소포함엔 편지 하나 달랑
Dear Postal Customer
we apologize for the condition of the enclosed mail.
we realize that your mail is important to you and that you have every right to expect it to be delivered intact and in good condition. The postal service makes every effort to properly handle the mail, but due to large volumes, occasional damage may occur. We are constantly striving to improve our processing methods to minimize damage.
As the postal service has expanded, an increasing amount of mail is handled by high-speed mail processing equipment. The Boise post office handles in excess of five million pieces of mail daily. The most up-to -date equipment is in use at this facility, even so, a letter, which may contain loose coins or some other bulky article, will jam the machines.
Unfortunately, not only the envelope gets damaged, but possibly several others are damaged at the same time.
we share your concern over the handling of your mail and sincerely regret the inconvenience you have experienced.
영어가 안되서 정확히 모르겠는데...도대체 이럴때는 제가 어찌 해야 보상을 받을수 있을까요
도대체 어디에다 연락을 해서 보상을 받을수 있는지 모르겠읍니다.
누구시든지 경험있으신분의 도움 부탁드립니다.