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Q.층간소음 소송

지역California 아이디o**ank****
조회2,550 공감0 작성일6/18/2020 11:02:47 PM

How much does it cost if I go for the law suit with you?( although approximately, say to me)
I think I need a lawyer who can do the law suit.
I have suffered due to the noise from downstairs for 4 years or so. ( she plays music with an amp speaker regardless of time. sometimes more than 12 hours continuously a day.she is very violent.) When I said the problem to the management company, they put three day notice to eviction TO MY DOOR!!!( writing that " we investigated it and found that no noise came from apt 1 ( downstair unit.) It seems that the live-in manager told lie to the management company.( I have witnessed the live-in manager was saying to the tenant of apt 1 no to make noise several times ( maybe because other tenants complained or she herself noticed the noise.) But, the live-in manager told a lie to the management company , saying that there was no noise from APT 1 because she did not want to lose the management job, I think. )


* 등록된 총 답변수 5개입니다.

케빈 장 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 6/19/2020 10:44:17 AM


각 변호사마다 수수료가 다르므로, 직접 문의해보셔야 되실듯 사료됩니다. 다만 4년 동안 고통을 받으시면서도, 이사를 나가지 않은 이야기 있었는지 또한 Duty to Mitigate 에 문제가 생길 가능성 또한 있으니, 이점 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.


케빈 장 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

케빈 장
회원 답변글
o**ank**** 님 답변 답변일 6/18/2020 11:04:53 PM
(1)when I got the the three day notice, I got signatures from other 4 tenants on a letter saying that there had been loud music noise from APT 1 to send it to the management company. But, when I was trying to get a signature from the fifth tenat, the manager's husband saw it. then he said to me " you are not allowed to do it. do not send it to the management company."
so I did not send the letter to the company not to destroy the relationship with the live-in manager.
(2) the noise: higher than 60db, sometimes 70db, 75db
(3) the woman in apt1 : about 200-230LB weight vey heavy and violent . she said to me, " fuck you fuck you fuck you" when I politely asked her not to make noise. ( when she fought with her partner( very small woman), she even squeezed her on her neck and threw chairs or furniture on the wall. she often screams like an wild animal in a jungle.) in conclusion, very abnormal woman!
(4) how much does it cost if lawyer do lawsuit for me?
4**ki**** 님 답변 답변일 6/19/2020 7:31:18 AM
Why not privately call to the lawyer who answered for your ASK?
c**rine**** 님 답변 답변일 6/20/2020 7:04:10 PM
call the police
s**ims**i**** 님 답변 답변일 6/21/2020 9:53:23 PM
이런경우는 둘중 하나가 떠나야 해결될일인데 어찌 4년동안 머무르셨는지 모르겠네요.
똥을 밟았으면 신발을 버리고 새로사야죠 그걸 계속 신고 다니면 안되쟎아요.
아래층에서 층간소음을 일으키는 경우는 참 드문데 소송해서 과연 얼마나 피해보상을 받을수 있을런지 의문입니다.
그냥 떠나세요

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