[유학/교육] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.CSS Profile 작성중인데요.

지역Massachusetts 아이디L**M****
조회2,642 공감0 작성일3/7/2012 3:16:02 PM
Parents' data의 첫번째 질문이
You must complete this application in U.S. dollars. From what currency did you convert the data provided on this application? 인데
한국에서 직장을 다녀서 한국서류를 가지고 1040 폼으로 2011 택스보고를 했습니다. 그렇다면 이 잘문에 애초서류가 한국것이니 south korea won을 선탹하고 환율을 적어야하는지 아님 1040폼을 가지고 FA 서류를 작성하니까 그냥 US dollar를 선택하면되는지 모르겠어요.


* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

회원 답변글
m**wonchan**** 님 답변 답변일 3/8/2012 9:09:24 AM
CSS Profile really asks more detail about student’s and parents’ income. You say that you have completed 2011 Income Tax Return with earned income in Korea last year. You need to indicate that you have completed 2011 Income Tax Return and type of Tax Form (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, or etc.) in CSS Profile. The answer for that question will be "South Korean Won", but I do not understand why you need to answer this question in CSS Profile. You have already completed 2011 Income Tax Return. This question is for parents who made income out of U.S. last year and have not completed 2011 Income Tax Return yet. I recommend that student contacts with Financial Aid Office for this situation.
L**M**** 님 답변 답변일 3/8/2012 9:45:38 AM
FAFSA에는 택스화일 했냐, 어떤서류로 했냐를 묻는란이있는데 CSS는 없던데요.
그래서 뭘로 표시를 해야하는지 모르겠어요.
IDOC으로 보내는서류가 1040이니 그냥 달러로 표시해야할까요?
m**wonchan**** 님 답변 답변일 3/8/2012 10:37:22 AM
You need to use your 2011 Income Tax Return for CSS Profile and IDOC. This means that you need to choose “U.S. Dollar”.
L**M**** 님 답변 답변일 3/8/2012 2:53:10 PM
알겠습니다. 답변 감사드립니다.

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