No. Your child is a dependent student. You should be CA state resident. You are VA state resident.
2. 가족이 올 여름에 켈리포니아로 이사가면 내년 가을학기부터 in state tuition 적용이 가능한지요?
Yes. You and your child will be CA state residents because you and your child will live there more than 12 months. These are what you and your child need to do as soon as you and your child move to CA state for instate tuition and CA state grant.
*Document your presence in the state as soon as you arrive. Save your airline ticket or bank/credit card statements showing that you were physically present in California one year prior to the beginning of the term for which you are seeking resident classification.
*Establish a California residence in which you keep your permanent belongings. Obtain a California Driver’s License within 10 days of arriving in California. If you have never had a driver’s license in any state, obtain a California State Identification Card.
*Surrender all out-of-state driver’s license and identification cards.
*Register your vehicle(s) in California within 20 days of arriving in the state.
*Register to vote in California, and vote in California elections.
*Pay California income taxes as a resident on all taxable income earned after your arrival in California, and file California resident or part-year resident tax returns.
*File nonresident or part-year resident out-of-state tax returns if you have out-of-state taxable income prior to arriving in California.
*Designate and use a California address as your permanent address on all records (e.g., school, employment, tax forms, military, etc.).
*Open a California bank account and close all out-of-state accounts. If your financial account is with an interstate or internet bank, change your permanent address to California.