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Q.Landlord - Tenant dispute due to the fire incident

지역Georgia 아이디m**iqo****
조회1,253 공감0 작성일6/20/2024 8:48:26 AM


I need your help with the issues I'm facing with my current apartment leasing office and management.

Recently, there was a fire in the basement, and I reside on the first floor. Although my unit did not suffer direct fire damage, it was heavily filled with smoke due to the incident that affected the entire building. According to the fire department's report, the fire was caused by an electrical issue: equipment not being operated properly and a short circuit arc from defective, worn insulation.

I have requested that the management cover the cost of a temporary hotel stay for me, relocation expenses, compensation for lost income (as I cannot work without any belongings due to smoke damage), and any other expenses incurred while I search for a new apartment. However, they have refused to provide any assistance. Additionally, I asked for a refund of the rent paid in advance for June, but they are only willing to reimburse me from the 17th to the 30th of June (the fire occurred on the 16th), along with the security deposit.

Furthermore, they are asking me to remove the items from the apartment, while I insist that they need to clean the apartment themselves since I consider that everything, including furniture, needs to be thrown out due to the smoke damage.

Would this be worth brining to the court? 


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

김영산 님 답변 [주택/부동산] 답변일 6/21/2024 2:17:28 PM

 - I'd contact a renters insurance agent to see if anything could be done  for smoke damages.

'Would this be worth bringing to the court? ' 

- I'm really looking forward to seeing answers to your question from lawyers.

김영산 [주택/부동산]

직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

전화 747-244-5928

곽재혁 님 답변 [주택/부동산] 답변일 6/24/2024 4:00:28 PM

조지아주의 경우는 모르겠지만 딱한가지만 말씀을 드리자면 입주자들과 공동대응하시는게 좋을듯 합니다. 아파트에 혼자서 요구하시기 보다는 같은세대중에서 일층거주자나 이층거주자들중 유사한 피해를 입으신 분들이나 같은노티스를 받으신분들이있다면 일단 서면으로 아파트에 필요한 사항들을 요구하신후에 같이행동하시는 class action이필요한거같습니다. 참고하세요 이건 주마다 법률이 다를수있지만 아파트에서 이러한상황에 대비한 보험이있다면 보험사에 크레임이진행중인것으로 보입니다. 아파트측에 보상가능한 보험이있는지와 카피를 요구하시기 바랍니다. 

곽재혁 [주택/부동산]

직업 부동산 중개인/미연방세무사(EA)

이메일 ameribest11@gmail.com

전화 213-663-5392 / 714-752-9002


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