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지역California 아이디c**codrea****
조회2,430 공감0 작성일12/13/2016 5:53:19 PM

I wrote my small claim case below.
Please review it and let me know if anybody can help me with it. I appreciate for the valuable information in advance.

Timeline of small claim

August 20, 2015

I paid the defendant (auto mechanic) to fix the transmission of my car (Honda Civic 2010).
The car was fixed. The warranty on invoice states $40,000km free of labor and parts. $2,000 was paid.

Aug~ Dec. 2015
The car transmission broke down three times on the highway. I was almost got killed.

Jan 30.2016
The defendant refused my request to fix the transmission, requiring me to pay additional 2,000 dollars up front. He claimed other parts are broken that are unrelated with the transmission.

Feb.1 2016
I went to the biggest transmission shop in town and discovered that the transmission was not even rebuilt in the first place, causing several breakdowns on the road. During the diagnose no other failure was discovered except transmission, contradicting the defendant's claim.

I filed the small claim

June 20,2016
The defendant did not appear at the settlement conference, and I was entitled the full 3,000 dollars

June 21,2016
The defendant refused to accept the default hearing, lying he is not the defendant. Soon, the defendant filed the pleading to the court

August 25,2016
At the court, the defendant suggested to fix the car right away in condition to canceling the settlement. I accepted the offer. The judge canceled the settlement but did not write down the condition to fix. The judge simply put another settlement conference for me to check if it is fixed.

August 26,2016
The defendant towed the car to fix.

Oct 30. 2016
Two months later, the defendant asked me 3,000 dollars to fix the other parts not related with transmission. I did not pay him any money and could not bring my car back being afraid he might have intentionally damaged the car or demanding the money.

Nov 5.2016
Another settlement was held. No agreement was reached.

The defendant texted me the car was stolen. Since the small claim was filed, the car was never driven because of total breakdown. Therefore, somebody had to ridiculously tow the car in order to steal it,.

The police called me the car was found on the street.
I paid $350 to remove the car from the towing company. The car was totaled and taken by the junk removal truck.

Mar. 5, 2017
Next Court Date

Question 1. I should amend the settlement amount that includes the residual value of the car. According to the Bluebook, the used car value reference book, the cost of the car is between $9,000~8,000.

What kind of evidence should I prepare for the assessment of the car to present at the court and to include in the amendment?

Question 2. In February 2016, due to high cost of car rental expense, I purchased a new car. Can I include the monthly payment in the amendment as part of cost?

Question 3. My English is not sufficient enough to represent myself. Can I hire paralegal person instead of lawyer to represent me in March 2017 court date?

I really appreciate if anybody could help me with this case.


* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

황지수 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 12/15/2016 2:17:35 AM

DISCLAIMER: please be advised that I am not your attorney and there is no attorney-client relationship by providing this to your question posted anonymously without facts in evidence. Please consult with as many lawyers as you wish before you make any legal decision.

I hope this helps.

As per questions number 1 and 3, instead of bringing any proper legal claim against the repair shop, I would inform your car insurance company what happended by filing a claim. If the reapir shop had a responsibility to take proper care and custody of your vehicle, and because of their negligence, your car got stolen, your insurance company should be able to resolve the matter with the shop for you. Let your insurance company worry. That is why you pay its premium. (Your insurance company will pay you present market value of your stolen car)

But notice that the repair shop may also not be liable for someone's criminal act, provided that they were not negligent in securing your car while it was on their garage. Nevertheless, most auto repair shops do carry garage keepers coverage which will cover a theft while a customer's car is in their custody, care, and control.

*in small claims court, you should represent yourself. But by following proper procedure, you may request interpreter.

As to your second question, please be noted that you have a duty to mitigate damage. If purchasing a new vehicle was a reasonable way to mitigate your damages caused by loss of use due to undue delay in its repair, then you might be able to ask for its costs. Vice versa.

황지수 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 hwang.jisoo@yahoo.com

전화 714-752-6848

회원 답변글
c**codrea**** 님 답변 답변일 12/15/2016 7:04:46 AM
I really appreciate for the valuable response. Just one final question.

You wrote:
"most auto repair shops do carry garage keepers coverage which will cover a theft while a customer's car is in their custody, care, and control"
does that mean, I can claim the theft of my car to the repair shop still? My car was not under the insurance because it was not driven for over a year due to the transmission defect during the litigation.
i**de32**** 님 답변 답변일 12/18/2016 3:18:27 AM
Yes, you might contact the repair shop and demand that they file a claim , assuming they lost your vehicle on their lot. I, however, doubt that they would do that for you considering your relationship with them. You may write a demand letter to them, and if they do not comply, you may proceed in appropriate court for all damages - it is my opinion that you definitely need a professional assistance of a lawyer because the matter is too complex for you to represent yourself, and do not delay in seeking such help.

Disclaimer: I am not your attorney and there is no attorney-client relationship by providing general answer to this question posted online anonymously without facts in evidence. Please consult as many attorneys as you wish before you make any legal decision.
c**codrea**** 님 답변 답변일 12/18/2016 6:52:22 AM
Thank you Igoda321,

The problem is that even if I win, I feel negative to collect the money from the mechanic, considering his financial situation. I tried to hire a lawyer under the contingency base but they didn't want to do it with the small claim amount So I decided to deal with it by myself. because If I can't collect the settlement, I should lose another money through hiring a lawyer.

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