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Q.전과기록 시민권 신청

지역New York 아이디T**090****
조회3,011 공감0 작성일4/19/2018 8:49:18 PM
94년에 (당시 17세) 1~3년형을 받고 8개월 살고 나왔는데요 그동안 영주권 갱신도 못하고 시민권 신청은 생각두 못했습니다 추방 될까봐 겁나서요..
얼마전 대법원에서 영주권자는 전과기록이 있어두 추방 못한다는 기사를 받습니다
혹시 저두 영주권갱신이나 시민권 신청을 할수있을까요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

케빈 장 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 4/20/2018 8:54:41 AM

해당 범죄의 도덕성여부와 지난 24년정도 미국내에서 생활시 기록으로 인하여서 영주권 갱신 여부가 결정이 날듯 사료됩니다. 시민권 신청을 하시려면 영주권 유효기간이 6개월 이상 남아있으셔야 되므로, 만약 진행하기로 결정하신다면 영주권 갱신을 먼저 하시기를 권해드리겠습니다.


케빈 장 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

케빈 장
박창형 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 4/23/2018 9:52:43 AM
추방 될 수 있는 범죄가 있고, 추방 되지 않는 범죄가 있습니다. 이민국은 이에 대한 자체적인 정책을 가지고 있으며, 추방에 넘길 수 있는 범죄와 아닌 범죄를 나누고 있습니다. 전문가와 상담을 하신 후 영주권 갱신을 결정하실 것을 제안드립니다.

추방에 넘어 가면 판사 앞에 가게 될 것이며, 판사의 결정에 의해 추방 여부가 결정 됩니다. 즉 추방 절차에 넘아간다고 모두 추방되는 것은 아닙니다.

박창형 [이민/비자]

직업 주는 사랑체:이민 법률 센터 소장

이메일 cte.cilc@hotmail.com

전화 213-739-7888

회원 답변글
m**ev**** 님 답변 답변일 4/19/2018 11:46:37 PM
연방법의 이민법 조항중 Section 101(a)(43) 와 Section 1101(a)(43) 에 해당되면 추방 될수 있습니다. 잘 아는 친구 한사람도 그래서 추방 되었습니다.
(A) murder, rape, or sexual abuse of a minor
(B) illicit trafficking in a controlled substance
(C) illicit trafficking in firearms or destructive devices or in explosive materials
(D) money laundering or engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specific unlawful activity if the amount of the funds exceeded $10,000
(E) certain explosive materials or firearms offenses
(F) a crime of violence (not including a purely political offense) for which the term of imprisonment at least one year
(G) theft (including receipt of stolen property) or burglary if the term of imprisonment was at least one year
(H) kidnapping or making a demand for or receipt of ransom
(I) child pornography
(J) racketeering, or gambling if a sentence of one year imprisonment or more could have been imposed
(K) owning, controlling, managing, or supervising a prostitution business; transportation for the purpose of prostitution if committed for commercial advantage; or peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, or trafficking in persons
(L) gathering or transmitting national defense information, disclosure of classified information, sabotage, treason, or compromising the identity of undercover intelligence agents
(M) fraud or deceit in which the loss to the victim or victims exceeds $10,000; or tax evasion in which the revenue loss to the Government exceeds $10,000
(N) alien smuggling, except a first offense for which the alien has affirmatively shown the purpose of assisting, abetting, or aiding only the alien's spouse, child, or parent (and no other person)
(O) illegal U.S. entry by an alien who was previously deported on the basis of an aggravated felony conviction
(P) falsely making, forging, counterfeiting, mutilating, or altering a passport or instrument (document fraud) for which the term of imprisonment is at least 12 months; except in the case of a first offense for which the alien has affirmatively shown that the offense was committed for the purpose of assisting, abetting, or aiding the alien's spouse, child, or parent (and no other person)
(Q) failure to appear for service of sentence if the underlying offense is punishable by imprisonment for 5 years or more
(R) commercial bribery, counterfeiting, forgery, or trafficking in vehicles the identification numbers of which have been altered, if the term of imprisonment is at least one year;
(S) obstruction of justice, perjury or subornation of perjury, or bribery of a witness, for which the term of imprisonment is at least one year
(T) failure to appear before a court pursuant to a court order to answer to or dispose of a charge of a felony for which a sentence of 2 years' imprisonment or more may be imposed
(U) an attempt or conspiracy to commit an aggravated felony.

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