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지역California 아이디y**21****
조회4,107 공감0 작성일11/17/2016 2:54:45 PM
부부 합해서 ssa 2800 정도 타는데 양로병원 입원 하려면 ssa 는 어떡해 돼며 ssi 타시는 분은 비용이 전혀 안내던데 저희 비용 부담은 어떡해 돼는 지요

* 등록된 총 답변수 6개입니다.

회원 답변글
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 4:54:11 PM
"California pays a $20 supplement to SSI recipients who live in a nursing home and are eligible for the reduced federal $30/month SSI payment." 사회보장국은 양로병원 Medi-Cal long term care facility 거주자에게 한달에 SSI $50. (오십 달러) 지급하고
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 5:21:20 PM
Married couple
"When one spouse enters a nursing home and the other spouse (often called the "community spouse") remains at home, Medicaid has special income rules for each.. . . " 부부둘다 ? 부부중 한분만? 입원 경우. . .
the nursing home resident's 양로병원 입원거주 자 income can go to the community spouse 집에서 거주자 until the combination of incomes reaches the income limit.. . ."
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 5:33:20 PM
"California law allows the community spouse to retain a minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance (MMMNA) of $2,739 (as of 1/1/2009). This amount is adjusted annually by a cost of living increase.. . ."
양로병원 입원자의 Medi-Cal 로 long term care 비용 부담되고. . . "부부 합해서 ssa 2800 정도"는 집에서 거주자가 keep 한다.
Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
s**rnof**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 6:14:57 PM
Single person
"The person with SSA recipient in the nursing home can keep only a small monthly allowance for personal needs (in some states as low as $30), . . . a patient of a nursing home who has become eligible for Medicaid, has to pay her or his income to the nursing home. as "co-pay" . . . " 한달에 삼십달러를 뺀 나머지는 양로병원에 지불할 "분담금" 으로 Medi-Cal 과 함께 long term care 비용 부담이 된다.
y**21**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 7:32:51 PM
감사 합니다
y**21**** 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2016 7:33:23 PM
대단히 감사 합니다

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