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지역California 아이디s**ulmous****
조회3,897 공감0 작성일9/5/2017 7:19:09 PM
올해 UC계열 대학에 진학하려하는데 SAT 2 시험을 필수로 보아야 하는지요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

정하영 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 9/6/2017 10:00:59 AM

아래 링크를 확인해 주세요:

Freshmen으로 입학할 경우, SAT Subject Test가 필수는 아니지만 시험 보는걸 추천하고 있습니다.

Transfer 편입일 경우, SAT 점수는 필요하지 않습니다.

감사합니다 :)
고정민 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 9/12/2017 10:52:59 AM
어느 대학에 진학을 원하느냐에 따라 달라집니다. 어느 대학인지를 밝히지 않으셔서 정확한 정보보다는 일반적인 정보를 드립니다.
버클리등에서는 요구하고, 기타의 대학은 또 다릅니다.
아래의 내용중에 원하는 대학을 찾으시고, 관련 내용을 보시길 바랍니다.
항상 댁내 건강과 행운이 깃드시길 기원합니다.

추가로, UC 입학에 관한 사이트하나 소개해드립니다.


While SAT Subject Tests are not required, some campuses recommend that freshman applicants interested in competitive majors take the tests to demonstrate subject proficiency.

Recommendations for fall 2018 applicants

Remember, these are recommendations, not mandates. You will not be penalized for failing to take the SAT Subject Tests. On the other hand, submission of these test scores (just like submission of AP and/or IB scores) may add positively to the review of your application.


College of Chemistry and College of Engineering: Math Level 2 and a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) closely related to the applicant's intended major.


Not recommended for any area.


Henry Samueli School of Engineering (including the joint Computer Science and Engineering major): Math Level 2 and a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) closely related to the applicant's intended major.

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Biology M, Chemistry, and/or Math Level 2.

School of Physical Sciences: Math Level 2.

Program in Public Health Sciences: Biology E, Biology M, and/or Chemistry.

Program in Public Health Policy: Biology E, Biology M, and/or World History.

Los Angeles

Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science: Math Level 2 and a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) closely related to the applicant's intended major.


No recommendation at this time.


College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and Bourns College of Engineering: Math 2 and Chemistry or Physics, for all majors

San Diego

Jacobs School of Engineering and biological or physical sciences majors: Math Level 2 and a science test (Biology E/M, Chemistry, or Physics) closely related to the applicant’s intended major.

Santa Barbara

College of Engineering: Math Level 2

College of Creative Studies:

Math Level 2 for math majors
Math Level 2 and Physics for physics majors
Biology for biology majors
Chemistry for biochemistry and chemistry majors
Math Level 2 for computing majors

Santa Cruz

Not recommended for any area.

고정민 [유학/교육]


이메일 jungminkoh@yahoo.com

전화 213-605-5893

Howard Songhyun Hwang 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 11/8/2017 3:39:58 PM
꼭 필요하진 않지만, 대학입학에 도움이 됨니다.

Howard Songhyun Hwang [유학/교육]

직업 대학 입시 학원원장

이메일 howard@hectutoring.com

전화 310-944-9909

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