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Q.Questions on TN Visa

지역California 아이디n**w****
조회1,627 공감0 작성일3/27/2023 10:25:30 AM

An individual on a TN Visa with a Passport from Canada is obtaining a Green Card through marriage from a Green Card holder with a passport from Spain. 

If the individual with a TN Visa loses employment/their TN status at any point during the Green Card application process,

1. Will the Green Card application process continue even if the individual has lost their status? Or will it be terminated upon loss of status?

2. If the Green Card application process can continue even upon loss of status, can the individual legally remain in the USA or do they need to go back to Canada and wait for their Green Card to finish processing in their country of origin? 

Thank you and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

최경규 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 3/28/2023 9:54:32 AM

1. 영주권자와의 결혼으로 인한 영주권 신청시, 영주권이 '접수' 될 때까지는 (TN)신분을 유지하고 있어야 합니다.  일단 영주권 신청이 접수된 이후에는 신분을 잃는 것도 가능합니다. 

2. 일단 영주권이 접수된 이후에는 신분을 잃어도 '체류'는 합법입니다.  

최경규 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 greencardandvisa@gmail.com

전화 714-295-0700

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