[여행/취미/일상] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.제과점을 하려는데 고수 의견 부탁드립니다

지역California 아이디s**eele****
조회2,752 공감0 작성일7/15/2013 7:21:52 AM
LA 또는 LA 카운티 지역에서 제과점을 하려고 합니다.

제빵설비를 어떻게 어디서 구할 수 있나요?

제과점설립 및 인허가 절차가 어떻게 되나요?

고수의 의견을 부탁드립니다

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

서보천 님 답변 [자동차] 답변일 7/24/2013 11:22:20 AM
제빵 설비와 제과점 설립을 이곳에 물어서 하려고 하시는 분이시면 제 생각에는 하지 않는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다.

혹 가진 돈은 많고, 또 점포를 본인 소유로 가지고 계시는데, 점포가 리스는 안나가고 해서 노년에 특별히 할 일은 없고, 그래도 빵만드는 솜씨가 좋으시면 남은 여생 재미삼아 한번 하신다면 이곳에 물어물어서 해 보시는 것은 상관이 없습니다.

설립 허가를 받기까지도 상당한 기간동안 렌트비가 나갈 것이고, 설립허가를 받아도 처음 시작해서 정상적으로 운영이 될 때까지 상당한 기간이 걸릴 것입니다. 그 동안 렌트비와 광고비 등 상당한 돈이 들어갈 것입니다.
그렇게 돈을 들여도 님이 기대하시는 수입이 나온다는 보장이 없습니다.

제 생각에는 제과점을 하시더라도 기존에 정상적으로 영업이 잘 되고 있는 것을 매상 체크 잘 하셔서 인수하시는 편이 좋을 것 같습니다.

서보천 [자동차]

직업 목사, 교수, 법무사, 운전강사

이메일 bocheonseo@gmail.com

전화 310-951-3153

회원 답변글
f**ird**** 님 답변 답변일 7/15/2013 11:10:50 AM
Decide what type of bakery you want to open.

There are bakeries that only sell baked goods, those that sell sandwiches and coffee to go or some that have a seating area where customers can eat breakfast or lunch.

1. Choose whether you want to sell conventional baked goods, organic baked goods, gluten-free baked goods, or vegan (e.g. egg and dairy-free) products.

2. Research the competition in the area to find out if there's a demand for the type of baked goods you want to sell. For example, if the local supermarket sells conventional, organic and vegan baked goods at reasonable prices, you might not be able to compete. But, you could open up a new market if you open a bakery with a pleasant seating area and offer specialty baked goods and fresh sandwiches.

3. Draw up a business plan. Make sure you carefully calculate the costs of your location, equipment, supplies, staff, taxes and marketing. Balance them against your projected income to determine how much profit you'll make over the first few years.

4. Review your business plan with an accountant, who will probably find additional expenses you overlooked. An accountant will also tell you how the costs of a startup can affect your tax returns.

5. Raise the necessary capital for opening a bakery. Ask your bank for a business loan or talk to private investors to raise the money.

6. Register your business with your city and apply for a sales permit to sell baked goods.
7Choose the location for your bakery. Make sure it's easily accessible, has plenty of traffic and meets all safety requirements.

8. Buy your equipment and have it professionally installed to make sure everything is safe and up to code. You'll need scales, bowls, pan racks, ovens, mixers, butcher block tables, display cases, and refrigerators.

9. Decide which baked goods to sell at your bakery and determine which ingredients you need.

10 nterview and hire employees. Make sure they are friendly, efficient and trustworthy.

11 Call the local Consumer Health Services agency and have your bakery inspected for health safety.

12 Buy all necessary ingredients for your baked goods, such as flour, yeast, eggs, sugar, raisins and butter.

13 Prepare your baked goods. Make sure they look and taste as good as possible to draw in customers.

14 Advertise your bakery in the local newspaper, on flyers and online.

15 Open your bakery

16. Send me a 고로케.

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