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Q.re-entry to us with criminal record.

지역California 아이디s**g31****
조회1,170 공감0 작성일1/25/2010 12:53:11 PM
im a permanent citizen.
i got arrested for shoplifting last december and got a dismeanor.
im planning to visit korea for a month this june. i was wondering if i am going to be deported or get rejected at the airport.
do i need to get a permit that allows me to enter us ??
what should i do to come back safe?

thank you

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

우시영 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 1/25/2010 1:14:02 PM
I do not believe a shoplifting, a misdemeanor, directly triggers deportation or inadmissibility. If, however, you still feel uneasy, why don't you apply for a Re-entry permit. Although I am not sure about the real effect of that permit regarding your concern, it may or may not make your re-entry to be smooth in some situation.

우시영 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 seayoung.woo@gmail.com

전화 703-941-7395

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