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Q.CA proposed assessment

지역California 아이디d**yelee0****
조회794 공감0 작성일10/25/2019 1:19:34 PM
I got a notice of proposed assessment from CA franchise tax board for 2015 tax year. It says they have disallowed the addition to itemized deductions and assess a little more than $2500. I don't have 2015 filing doc but I remember I used H&R block and just followed its prompts. Is it something I can negotiate with the Board to reduce the proposed amount?

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
a**e3**** 님 답변 답변일 10/25/2019 6:18:57 PM
What itemized deductions are they disallowing, and why? You made it sound like you have used H&R block software. The federal rule is that the taxpayer is still responsible for software errors. I would assume that California follows this rule. However, I would try to negotiate. You have nothing to lose.

$2,500 is a significant amount, especially for state tax. I wonder what H&R block lead you to deduction tens of thousands of dollar that is not deductible.
K**ta**** 님 답변 답변일 12/22/2019 1:19:10 AM
세금보고된 것으 검토해봐야 벙확한 답을 드릴 수 있습니다. 도움이 필요하시면 연락주세요. Info@knltax.com

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