Q.신용카드 Minimum Payment 이상 결제액의 20%를 Credit으로 ?
작성일7/23/2009 3:16:57 PM
When you pay more than the minimum amount due on time for any of your next 4 billing periods, you’ll earn a statement credit equal to 20% of the amount you paid over the minimum amount due.
•Earn up to $550 in statement credit to help lower your balance
•Save money by reducing your interest charges and by avoiding late fees
•Help build good credit by reducing your balance and paying on time
Here’s how it works:
•You cannot charge on your account until your statement credit is posted
•Upon receiving your statement credit, your credit line will be decreased by the total amount you paid over the minimum amount due, plus the amount your statement credit
•Earnings will be credited to your account in one lump sum no later than 3 billing periods after successful completion of the program
•Timely payment of at least the minimum amount due is required on all billing periods before earnings are credited to your account
이런 Offer를 Credit card 회사로부터 받았읍니다.
이 카드회사를 포함해서 다른 신용카드사까지 한번도 카드대금을 연체한 적이 없고, 한도의 절반정도를 쓰고 있는데, 미니멈페이 이상 결제액의 20%를 $550까지 Credit 으로 준다는 이 내용을 보면 4개월에 걸쳐서 다 지불하고 싶네요.
물론 그만큼의 사용한도는 줄어들지만, 별로 상관이 없거든요.
혹시 Credit score에 좋지않은 영향을 준다면 이 프로그램을 하고 싶지 않습니다.