[이민/비자] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.김유진 변호사님)마지막! 이민서류질문요.

지역Nevada 아이디c**stal040****
조회1,636 공감0 작성일5/30/2012 12:29:43 PM
안녕하세요 저는 현재 만21살이구요.

12살때 미국 시민권자 고모부부에게 입양이되엇습니다. 그러나 이민절차를 밟진않은거죠....므튼 제가 한국

갓다가, 만18살에다시 미국에돌아와 고모네부부와 함께살면서 고등학교를 F1 비자 i-20로 다녓습니다. 현재

고모와 함께 이집에 산지는 3년가량이되어가고 작년 2011년 10월17일날 변호사없이 i-130를 접수하엿습니

다. 제가 만 20살때. 하지만 다른분들에 의하면 접수가 만 20살때 되엇으니 문제될것도없고 어렷을때 입양되

었으므로 걱정할것없다 라고하시는데....다른 분은 제가 i-130를 접수할때 i-485 를 접수햇었어야햇다며....만

21살이지나 i-485를 접수하는건 안된다고....그리고 현재 i-130가 진행중인지금 RFE (request for evidence)

종이가 날라왔습니다. 파란종이로 from I-797E 와 흰종이 두장. 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

-submit the timely registered birth certificate issued by the appropriate civil authotities for 제이름 the indicates her biological parents.
-submit the final adoption decree for 제이름 issued at the time of the adoption. it must be signed by a judge and show evidence of being civilly registered.
-submit a copy of the portion of the korea family code that stipulates the legal requirements for adoption. in addition, it must be shown that the petitioner complied with the country's relevant laws establish a bona fide adoption.


-list the exact dates and locations that the adoptive parent(s) and the adopted child physically resided under the same roof.
-please state if a familial relationship existed between the petitioner and beneficiary prior to the adoption.( example: aunt/niece, uncle/nephew, grandparent/ grandchild, etc)
-submit persuasive evidence to establish that the adopted child has physically resided with the adopting parents for a period of at least two years before and/or after the adoption and before the shild reached the age of twenty-one years. the evidence must show the adopted parents owns or maintains in the child's life, and provides day-to-day care for the child. mere vistis cannot satisfy this requirement. please see the examples below.
-after the petitioner came to the U.S., with whom did/does the adopted child reside? where did/does the child reside?


-list the exact dates and locations of the adopted child's natural parents' residence during the period when the adoptive parents and adopted child fulfilled the residence requirement as indicated above.
-how far away the adoptive parents' home from the natural parents' home during the two-year qualifying period?
-if the natural parents resided in the same household as the adoptive parents and adopted child for any part of the claimed shared residence, submit evidence to establish that the adopting parents exercised primary parental control and authority over the adopted child during that time period. sworn statements or affidavits must be supported by other independent, direct, and corroborative evidence. 마지막건 해당안되는거같아요...원래부모님은 한국계시고 고모부부는 미국..
-after the petitioner came to the U.S, and up to the present, where did/do the natural parents reside?
-how far away is the child's home from the natural parents' home?

- what is the petitioner's spouse's A#? when did he /she come to the U.S.?
-after the petitioner's spouse fame to the U.S., with whom did/does the adopted child reside? where did/does the child reside?
-after the petitioner's spouse came to the U.S., where did/do the natural parents reside?

-was the petitioner awarded legal custody of the beneficiary at any time before the finalization of the adoption? acceptable evidentiary documents to establish that the two-year legal custody has been fulfilled shall be either a final adoption decree or an official document in the form of a written award of custody by the court custodial/guardianship document, such as a sworn affidavit signed before a Notary Public, is insufficient evidence.


examples of evidence to establish compliance with the two-year residence requirement can included (but not limited to) the following. important: the evidence must indicate the actual location where the adoptive parents and the adopted child both resided.

school records: report cards, diplomas, and transcripts showing both petitioner and beneficiary's name during the two-year residency period.

insurance policies: these documents should indicate the beneficiary's name and relationship to the policy holder.

miscellaneous: medical records, government identification papers, passports, deeds, business records, income tax returns, social security records, census records, family bible entries and records of family events.

affidavits: affidavits and/or sworn statements alone will not be sufficient. they must be supported by other independent, direct, and corroborative evidence.

제가 준비한 서류론 입양서류, 한국가족 등본(한글/영문), 미국에서 학교2년이상다닌 성적등본. 어떤걸 더추가하고 빼야하는지좀 자세히알려주세요....

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김유진 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 5/30/2012 12:50:48 PM
김유진 변호사 입니다.

여러번 설명을 드렸습니다. 현재 만21세가 넘었으면 I-130이 승인되어도 시민권자 21세이상 가족초청에 해당됩니다. 현재 시민권자 21세이상 자녀초청의경우 7년정도 기다리셔야 합니다.

다행인것은 현재 학생신분을 유지하고 있다니 앞으로도 계속 체류신분을 잘 유지하면 미국내에서 영주권 취득은 가능 하겠습니다. 지금 준비하신 서류이외에 이민국에서 예를들은 목록에서 준비할수 있는 서류를 준비해서 보내시면 되겠습니다.

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