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Q.미국내 신분변경 재정보증문제

지역Texas 아이디m**inerkrle****
조회5,735 공감0 작성일10/10/2023 3:57:20 PM


미국내 신분변경 진행중에 재정보증서류를

3개월정도 발급받은 한국내 은행의 잔고증명서를 제출했습니다. 

근데 자료가 미흡했는지 서류를 보완하라는 연락이 아래와 같이 왔습니다. 

이 경우 어떤 것을 제출해야 하나요?

최근에 발급받은 잔고증명서와 학비 납부 확인서 이정도만 하면 될까요?

아님 2년치 국내 원천징수 영수증을 첨부할까요?

통장거래내역 사본은 필요한가요?



Applicants requesting a change of status to F-1 must establish that they currently have the financial means to pay for the course of study and living expenses for their first year of study, your Form I-20 indicates the estimated average cost is $17,000.00.

USCIS acknowledges receipt of your Certificate of Bank balance from a foreign bank, however, this document is insufficient because it does not list in detail all recent transactions.

Submit evidence that you have immediate funds available to pay for your tuition and living expenses for the first year of study as indicated on your SEVIS Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status (Form I-20). 

Such evidence includes, but is not limited to:

Three consecutive and complete copies of detailed financial account statements for each account you intend to use to fund your education;

Other immediately available cash assets;

Receipts and/or a letter from your school accounts office indicating tuition payments already made and any outstanding account balance; and/or 

Affidavits of support from a sponsor.

In addition, you must prove that you will have the ability to pay for your course of study and living expenses for the entire period of study as indicated on your I-20.

Submit evidence that there is money or financial assistance available to you for tuition and living

VSCI539I539PR000026826066 2 of 4 www.uscis.gov

USCIS encourages you to sign up for a USCIS online account. To learn more about creating an account and the benefits, go to https://www.uscis.gov/file-online.

expenses for the remaining course of study. Such evidence includes, but is not limited to:



Affidavits of support from a sponsor (Form I-134);

Other financial documentation.

If you have a sponsor, please have your sponsor submit a statement or affidavit of support specifying the intended type and amount of contributions he or she will make on your behalf, such as tuition and school expenses, room and board, living expenses, medical expenses, insurance, etc. Your sponsor should submit evidence that he or she is able to provide immediate funds for your first year of study.

This should include the most recent complete copies of detailed financial account statements for each account your sponsor intends to use to fund your education. In addition, your sponsor should provide evidence of his or her ability to provide your tuition and living expenses for the remaining course of study. Such evidence includes, but is not limited to, current employment records, tax records, business records, property records, etc.

Note: Written statements, bank letters, and account summaries regarding financial support alone may be insufficient to establish financial support and should be accompanied by any available supporting evidence.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

최경규 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 10/11/2023 10:40:12 AM

최근 서류를 준비해 주시고 또한 잔여 학업기간을 카바할 수 있는 재정능력도 보여 주셔야 합니다.  또한, 본인의 자산이 아니라면 보증인의 '진술서'도 추가해 주어야 합니다.  

최경규 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 greencardandvisa@gmail.com

전화 714-295-0700

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