"Maryland is Common-Law Property States
When Are You Responsible for Your Spouse's Debts?
In a common-law state, debts are owed by both spouses only if the debt benefits the marriage (for example, the debt was for food, clothing, childcare, shelter, or necessary household items) or the debt was jointly undertaken-for example, if both spouses signed a contract requiring them to make payments on the debt, if both spouses' names were on an account or title to property, or if a creditor considered both spouse's credit information before making the sale or loan."
"What expenses can Medicaid recover?
All medical services are subject to repayment. This includes, but is not limited to, 양로병원nursing home care, hospital services, 양로보건센타 home and community based waivers (for example, Older Adults Waiver, Living at Home Waiver), personal care, physician and pharmacy services."
"Medicaid cannot file a claim if there is:
1. A surviving spouse, or
2. An unmarried child younger than 21, or
3. A blind or totally disabled child . . . "
state 들의 관련 규정들이 대동소이 (大同小異) 하네요 . . .
Medicaid estate recovery of Maryland <- - - 자세한 정보는 여기 링크 찬찬히 읽어보세요.