Q.Want to know this store is making money or losing money.
작성일2/2/2011 6:01:12 PM
hi, considering of buying business. but don't know how to calculate margin. please give me an advice.
About shop
annual sales: $ 386000
4 part time workers paying by 10$ per hour. payroll: 4200$
rent: 6500$
utilities: 520$
phone, internet: $ 100
supplies: $ 100
bank account fee: $ 30
cpa: $ 150
credit card processing fee: $ 767
these are all I know. i don't know there might be other expenses or not.
my hubby said i have to pay another sales taxes for irs. so it will be 20% more of sales.
i just want to see this one is making some money or losing money. i just feel that rent is too high.
This seller had agent for his side, but now seller only works by himeself.
so, in this case, I think I need an agent for my side.
How can I find my agent from where? seller said he's making money but
I doubt until i open the box. (escrow)
I asked for this to ask.com. but no one answered me yet. so please
give advise me what I need to do. To find an agent, any agent will be suitable? or just contact to escrow company.
Thanks you so much in advance.