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Q.핸디맨의 급료...

지역California 아이디t**eeh****
조회3,193 공감0 작성일7/7/2012 7:53:32 PM
에스크로가 곧 끝나서, 몇일후 키를 받습니다.
홈 인스펙션을 할때, 여러가지 수리를 해야 한다는 레포트를 받았습니다.
그래서, 이사를 가기전에 핸드맨을 고용을 해서 수리를 할려고 합니다.

핸드맨 고용시, 급료는 어떻게 계산을 해야 하나요?
물론, 지붕교체와 전기문제는 라이센스가 있는 회사에 견적을 받겠지만,
핸드맨이 플러밍과 간단한 목수일(back patio에 새로 지붕만들기)도 하는지요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

회원 답변글
d**lo**** 님 답변 답변일 7/7/2012 8:41:38 PM
급료는 사람에 따라 다르고, 시키실 일에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. 말씀하신 모든 것 다 손볼 줄 아시는 핸디맨을 원하시면 추천해 드릴 수 있습니다.
l**e88**** 님 답변 답변일 7/7/2012 9:37:10 PM
핸디맨은 급료와 자료를 포함해서 $500불을 넘으면 불법입니다.
$500불이넘는 공사는 라이슨스있는 콘트랙터와 공사계약을해야합니다.
라이슨스없는자에게 발생하는 모든 책임은 집주인에게있습니다
상해책임과 손해배상까지 모두 집주인이책임지는 문제가발생하므로 집주인은 모든 재산상으 금전적인 책임을 면할수없는 위험에처할수있으니 California labor code 에 따라랴합니다.

What is a journeyman?
A journeyman is a person who has completed an apprenticeship program or is an experienced worker, not a trainee, and is fully qualified and able to perform a specific trade without supervision. But, that person does not have a license and is not able to contract for jobs that value more than $500 in labor and materials.

Consequences of Contracting Without a LicenseThe Contractors State License Board (CSLB) was established in 1929 at the request of the building industry. Since work done by contractors can endanger both them and consumers, the industry realized being regulated would help raise standards, thereby protecting consumers.

Those who operate without a license harm consumers each and every day. They tarnish the respectability of the construction industry and harm the state's financial situation by operating in the underground economy.

The CSLB makes a concerted effort to target unlicensed operators. The CSLB's Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) conducts undercover sting and sweep operations on a weekly basis around the state. You could be targeted by one of these operations. If you're caught contracting without a license, you will likely have to go in front of a judge to answer to misdemeanor charges, which carry a potential sentence of up to six months in jail and/or a $500 fine, and a potential administrative fine of $200 to $15,000.

If you get caught again, the penalties get stiffer. You could face a mandatory 90 day jail sentence as well as a fine of 20 percent of the contract price of the work performed, or a $4,500 fine.

Felony charges may be filed against those who illegally use someone else's license or who try to mislead consumers into believing that you are a licensed contractor. In addition, you could face felony charges if you contract for any project that is covered by a state of emergency or disaster proclaimed by the Governor of California or the President of the United States. If you're convicted of felony charges, you could end up in state prison.

Plus, if you contract without a license consumers don't have to pay you for your work. You don't have a right to sue them in court for work you weren't legally able to perform.

In addition, if you've got your contractor's license and have a dispute with a consumer, the CSLB has a variety of tools to help resolve it. These range from on-site negotiation to mediation and arbitration. These services are free of charge to consumers and licensed contractors.

Plus, when you consider the cost of your contractor's license, about $20 a month, you can't afford not to be licensed.

l**e88**** 님 답변 답변일 7/7/2012 9:42:34 PM
If you contract without a license consumers don't have to pay you for your work. You don't have a right to sue them in court for work you weren't legally able to perform.

라이슨스없는자가 한일에대해서 주인은 돈을 지불할 필요가없으며
라이슨스없는자는 주인을 고소할권한이없습니다!!!

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