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Q.Retirement Plan

지역California 아이디m**0****
조회4,318 공감0 작성일2/12/2013 1:34:51 AM
To whom may it concern:

My name is Kyung who's been living in Los Angeles area for about 30 years since I started American life. Now, I'm gonna be 60 years old a couple of years later.
Sorry, I can't express myself in English very well but I think you might understand aged man's broken English.

My wife and I planed to save $500,000 retirement money to the reputable and safe company about 10 years ago when house payment paid off and we accomplished that target end of the last year. Also we saved another extra cash as Korean did. We saved that money to IRA, annuities, 401K and so on without any financial adviser's help. During that time, we paid off the 2 kids' school loans. Now, we're free from all debts.
Medical Insurance till we receive medical benefit for senior? Yes, we prepared that jut to be on the safe side.

I'm planning to retire on end of this year or middle of next year. But I'm wondering whether my plan is right or not for my rest life.
Thank you for reading this.


Kyung from Koreatown Los Angeles

* 등록된 총 답변수 5개입니다.

제영신 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 2/12/2013 10:29:45 AM
젊어서 부터 은퇴준비를 착실히 하신 것 같습니다. 조금 더 자세히 들여다보면 약간의 조정은 필요할 수도 있지만, 일반적으로는 잘 준비하신 것 같습니다.

다만, 앞으로 필요하신 부분은 롱텀케어가 필요할 것 같구요, 재산에 따라서 상속플랜을 지금부터 준비하시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 롱텀케어는 향후 가장 큰 지출이 될 부분이기 때문에 지금부터 준비해두시는 것 이 좋습니다.

롱텀케어나 상속계획에 따른 비용이 들어가는 부분은 새로운 지출이 되기 때문에 어떻게 준비할 지는 수입과 지출을 조정해서 만들어가시면 될 것 같습니다.

제영신 [머니/재테크>보험]

직업 보험설계사

이메일 young@wnjinsurance.com

전화 201-647-6198

서니 리 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 5/14/2013 12:13:31 PM

My name is Sunny Lee.

Your writing was pretty inspiring to me. It sounds like you did whatver you could with all the resources you had all these years.

Because of your due dilligent works, now your house is paid off, and you have several retirement plans as well as medical insurance in place. However you are still wondering if you are on the right track or not.Yes. I think so.

My suggestion to you is to have someone, a conpetent advisor review all of your retirement plans, go over the retirement checklist one more time, and see if there is anything missing or if there is anything that needs some adjustments to make it better, current or more equipped.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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여러분의 어드바이저스, 굿라이프 어드바이저스
웹사이트: www.goodlifeinc.net
전화: 213 291 9272

회원 답변글
k**osin**** 님 답변 답변일 2/12/2013 7:37:56 AM
After you stop working, you need certain amount of money for living expenses and more.
If you can get it before you receiveSSA, then anyone can retire anytime.
Hope you maintain all the financial stabily for the rest of your life.
Enjoy the retirement.It's a start of new life.
c**9live**** 님 답변 답변일 2/12/2013 8:02:16 AM
Do you have ss money after 62 years old?
As example, If you have $ 500,000 & cash $100,000, dividde 25 ( guess till 85)years. that means you can spend $24000/year , ssn money after 62 years old & your reversible mortagage ( after you both 62years old).but minus property tax. I think you can guess that is enough money for both you.
t**inr**** 님 답변 답변일 2/12/2013 11:35:16 AM
어느정도 준비는 되어 있는것 같지만 다음 몇가지 생각해보세요.
은퇴하시면 생활수준이 지금 사시는것과 어느정도 비슷해야 되지 않겠읍니까? 보통 은퇴전의 수입의 70-75 % 정도면 비슷해진다고 합니다. 그러니 지난 일년동안 쓰신돈이 얼마인가 은행 의 기록을 보세요.
지금 저축해 놓ㅇ신것만 언급했는데. 그정도면 유사시. 필요한것은 커버가 되지만 그것을 쪼개서 매달 생활 하시게되면 언제 다 떨어질지몰라 불안합니다. 그러니. 매달 정기적으로 들어오는 수입 , 즉 ssa, 연금이 얼마나 되나 그것이 많이 모자라 매달 몽놓은돈에 손을대면 불안해집니다. 언제까지 살고 그동안 인플레가 얼마가 될지 모르니.
지금 58 정도면 아직 정정하실텐데. 은퇴를 늧추시는것도 한방법이고 또 Ssa를 늦게 시작하시면 조금씩 올라갑니다. 70 세 까지는 올라가요.
건강이 허락하지 않으면. 할수 없지만.

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