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Q.$$$대통령이 서명한 세금환급 받으실려면 세금보고를...$$$

지역California 아이디7dw****
조회1,008 공감0 작성일2/15/2008 11:13:47 PM
Want A Rebate? File A Tax Return, IRS Says

The Associated Press

Published: February 16, 2008

WASHINGTON - The only way to receive a rebate from the economic stimulus package is to file a tax return, the Internal Revenue Service said Friday. That includes recipients of Social Security and veterans' benefits who do not normally need to file returns.

The IRS said some low-income people who are not required to file will be eligible to receive payments of $300, or $600 on joint returns, if they had at least $3,000 in qualifying income. But to do so they must file a return.

The tax agency said it is introducing a special version of Form 1040A on its Web site, www.irs.gov, with instructions to these special groups on how to fill out the form.

Qualifying income includes Social Security benefits, certain Railroad Retirement benefits, certain veterans' benefits and earned income.

The IRS said taxpayers in this group will have to file a paper copy of Form 1040 or Form 1040A, although it is working to update its systems to accept electronic versions.

Those who have filed but did not report their qualifying benefits may have to file an amended return to receive a larger stimulus payment, the IRS said.

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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