Eligibility of individuals age 65 or over to enroll for
"premium" hospital insurance (유료 파트 A): 경우
An alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence who has resided in the United States continuously for the 5-year period immediately preceding the month in which he or she meets all other requirements; . . . " 5년 연속 거주 후, 구매 가입이 가능하며 . . .
"Lawfully present non-citizens who qualify for Part A without a premium (무료 파트 A)
have no length of residency requirement"
"무료 파트 A" 수급자격이 있는 합법 체류 비시민권자는
'5년 연속의 거주' 요건에 대하여 해당사항이 없으며 . . .
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