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Q.비지니스용 cpn받기

지역California 아이디w**ms980****
조회4,339 공감0 작성일8/21/2013 9:13:42 AM
조그마한 비지니스를 할 생각입니다.

CPN이란걸 받아서 비지니스 크레딧을 쌓고 싶어요.

CPN으로 크레딧이 싸이면 어떤게 가능한가요?

차를 사던가 집을 살때에도 가능한가요?

또한 어디서 어떻게 발급받는지요...

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

사무엘 이 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 8/21/2013 9:55:33 AM
The Credit Privacy Number, or CPN, is a nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to credit bureaus. Available for use primarily in the United States, the number can be used instead of an individual’s Social Security number for many types of credit transactions. However, the CPN should not be viewed as an equitable substitute for the Social Security number in all situations.

Also known as a credit profile number, the CPN has its main advantage when it comes to tracking credit transactions and evaluating credit history. Rather than using a Social Security number for all credit transactions, using a credit privacy number makes it easier to segregate finances in the vent of identity theft. Without access to a Social Security number, the thief is somewhat limited in the amount of difficulties that are created for the rightful owner of the number. This is because there are several types of financial transactions that cannot be conducted using this number.

Transactions that cannot be conducted using a CPN include information given to an employer, documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service, and registering a car or truck. The number also cannot be used when applying for one of the several government sponsored home loan options, such as Sallie Mae or a FHA loan. However, a legal CPN can be used when applying for credit cards and obtaining financing that is not government related.

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