[머니/재테크] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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지역Georgia 아이디j**hoi00****
조회977 공감0 작성일4/18/2010 8:14:43 AM
동생이 집을 사려는데 돈을 빌려주려 합니다.(24만불정도)
동생은 그냥 check를 동생앞으로 보내주면 된다고 하는데 문제가 안될지요? 집을 구입하면서 내앞으로 빌려준 돈만큼 담보 설정도 해야 한다는데 본인이 없이도 가능 한지요?
또한 제구좌에서 24만불이란 큰돈이 빠져 나가면 다른문제가 안될런지요?
또항 이렇게 빌려주고 받게될 이자소득은 어떤소득이 되는지요?세금은 얼마나 내야 할까요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**612**** 님 답변 답변일 4/18/2010 10:00:49 PM
Yo bud, $240,000 to be lent 2 ur brother uhhh??? Basically, U need to draw a LINE bewteen a loan and a donation( gift I mean).
QUOTE,또항 이렇게 빌려주고 받게될 이자소득은 어떤소득이 되는지요?세금은 얼마나 내야 할까요? "?"-- I guess, provided u make a loan of $240,000 to ur brother at a low or no stated intererst rate, then the IRS may impute interest. This, of course, means that U , as a lender, MUST recognize interest income equal to the so called imputed interest, and ur brother becomes to carry an imputed interest payments to you. What I mena b that you need to pay taxes on the interest amounts that u receive from ur brother just like a regular lender that receives interest from his borrower. C what I mean??
On the contrary, if u give the amount 2 ur brother as a gift, then u r subjected to gift tax and however unless the amount of ur previous gift exceeds $1 mil. , ur gift tax liability'd b zero due to UNIFIED GIFT/ESTATE TAX CREDIT provision. What i m sayin' b that u gave $240,000 2 ur brother as a gift and ur annual gift exclusion amount is $13,000( $26,000 for MFJ filing status/ in the caase of gift splitting ), so $240,000-$13,000=$$227,000; U need 2 pay gift tax on $227,000, and ur gift tax liability 'd b $62,980 but unified gift/estate tax credit is $345,800; as $345,800>$62,980, u don't pay gift tax unless u carry previous gift tax amount exceedin' $1 mil. as i mentioned previously.
"또한 제구좌에서 24만불이란 큰돈이 빠져 나가면 다른문제가 안될런지요?"----As u noe, banks have to report cash transactions ( wire transfers included) that exceed $10,000 2 the IRS immediately to enable law enforcement to follow the money trail by creating a paper trail. or etc. So, U should complete ur transactions and let the banks do the paperwork. As long as u and ur brother carry the transfer records, there'd not b any problem.
Good luck on u guys business!!!!

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