Q.신분 도용 혹은 사기꾼
작성일8/8/2012 5:25:41 PM
일을 찾는다고 인터넷에서 apply를 하였더니
난데 없이check를 한장 보내더니 은행에 넣고 어쩌구 하는군요.
Fedex로 보내왔기에 return 했는데, 이런 경우 어떻게 하는 것이 좋을까요???
Fed Ex Tracking Number : 00000xxxdddd
Check Amount : $3420
When you Get the Check, take it to your Bank and have it cashed or deposited and let me know when the Bank says the check is available or has been cashed.
However,I am donating it to the orphans.I contacted the orphanage home, and I was given the list of the items to be bought, the items are much and will cost a lot to get them shipped, so we have reached an accord, They will be getting the items themselves. Once the Check has been cashed you are to deduct $100 for GAS and send the remaining Money through Money Gram Transfer to the information Below. I am sure there are so many Money Gram locations close to you.
Money Gram Service to Use:...