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Q.Question about the Social security and medi tax in the paycheck

지역Texas 아이디n**ream****
조회1,109 공감0 작성일1/10/2011 7:45:06 AM
I recently got a job in Texas and have a question about the tax in the paycheck.

I was in OPT until Sept. and got H1b from Oct. 2010. Since my visa status is changed to H1b now, I'm supposed pay the Social security and medicare tax. But it was not charged to my paycheck and until December 2011.

I claimed company payroll and Hr dep. for the issue and please take the tax out of my pay check ~~~~ !!!!!

They said there was an error and your employee status was not updated by Hr until recently. Since it will take too much paper work and complication to correct it now, if I'm OK, the company will ask the tax (social & medi) from Jan. 2011.

This means that they will not charge me the tax (medi and social tax) for last three month from Oct. to Dec 2011.

My question is it is legal ? or It will make any trouble in the future (for example, appling green card). Should I request the company to take the tax onemore time?

Thank you in advance.

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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