작성일6/8/2013 7:28:09 AM
전 미국에 이민 온지 6개월이 채 안된 초보 이민자인데, 아래와 같은 이메일이 자꾸만 반복해서 저한테 보내 옵니다. 하지만 처음에는 내용이 저하고는 아무런 상관도 없어서 잘못 보내진 이메일거나 나쁜 목적으로 수사기관을 사칭한 것으로 치부했었는데, 제가 영어도 서툴고 반복되는 비슷한 내용이기에 차제에 어떤 내용이고 어떻게 대처해야 하는지 자문을 받아보고자 합니다. 고수님들의 고견을 부탁드립니다.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,
Urgent Attention: Beneficiary,
I am special agent Mark A. Morgan from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Intelligence Unit. We have just intercepted and confiscated two trunks at John F Kennedy International Airport in Jamaica New York, NY 11430 coming from a foreign country.
We crosschecked the content of the boxes and found it contained a total sum of $4.1 million dollars. Also with one of the trunks were documents with your name as the receiver of the money. As we progressed in our investigations of the Diplomat which accompanied the trunks into the United States we learned that he was to deliver these funds to your residence as payment of an inheritance/winning, which was due to you.
Further checks on the consignment, we found out that the consignment paperwork lacked the PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE forms. We then confiscated both trunks and released the Diplomat. The trunks According to section 229 subsection 31 of the International ,Commerce Regulators Code Enforcement Guidelines, your consignment lacks PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE from the joint team of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation and Homeland Security and therefore you must contact us for direction on how to procure the two certificates, so that you can be relieved of the charges of evading tax which is a jailable offense under section 12 subsection 441 of the – Tax Code. We will also be asking the IRS to launch an investigation of money laundering if you do not follow our instructions.
You are therefore required to contact me within 72 hours on this email {agmarkamorgan01@superposta.com} at that point I will walk you through the process of clearing and claiming the money. Failure to comply may lead to your arrested, interrogation and/or you being prosecuted in the Court of Law for tax evasion and or money laundering. You are also advised not to contact any bank in Africa, Europe or banking institution.
Yours in service,
Agent Mark A. Morgan
Regional Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
E-mail: agmarkamorgan01@superposta.com