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Q.IRA 조기인출

지역Oregon 아이디s**nc****
조회1,626 공감0 작성일3/5/2012 5:23:53 PM
IRA를 만기보다 조기 인출해 자녀의 학자금으로 사용하면 벌금이 면제된다고 들었는데 그럴 경우 라도 소득으로 보고는 해야 할 덴데 세금보고 시 어느 난에 보고 해야 하는지 아시는분 있으신가요? 또 IRA취급 은행에는 어떻게 학자금 용도 인지를 설명할 수 있을 까요? 답변 미리 감사드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
T**612**** 님 답변 답변일 3/6/2012 12:01:13 AM
“IRA를 만기보다 조기 인출해 자녀의 학자금으로 사용하면 벌금이 면제된다고 들었는데 그럴 경우 라도 소득으로 보고는 해야 할 덴데 세금보고 시 어느 난에 보고 해야 하는지 아시는분 있으신가요? “---->As you said, when you take money out of your IRA account before you reach age 59 1/2, the IRS considers these premature distributions. In addition to owing any taxes, federal and state taxes that might be due on the money, you'll face a 10 percent penalty charge on the amount.However, When it comes toyour child’s school costs, the IRS says no early w/d penalty, I mean, will be assessed as long as your IRA money goes toward qualified schooling costs for your child(ren).You must make sure the eligible student attends an IRS-approved institution. This is any college, university, vocational school or other post-secondary facility that meets federal student aid program requirements. The school can be public, private or nonprofit as long as it is accredited.Once enrolled, you can use retirement money to pay tuition and fees and buy books, supplies and other required equipment. Expenses for special-needs students also count. And if the student is enrolled at least half-time, room and board also meet IRS expense muster. You will still have to include any IRA withdrawal in your adjusted gross income.You are still subject to both federal and state taxes on the early withdrawal.
“또 IRA취급 은행에는 어떻게 학자금 용도 인지를 설명할 수 있을 까요? “---->You need to contact your IRA custodian. This is the firm that you opened your account with or transferred it to. And tell your custodian you would like to take an IRA distributions to cover higher-education expenses. Your custodian will typically review IRS rules regarding this area to ensure you are indeed eligible to receive the money and not pay the 10-percent tax penalty. You also need toinstruct your custodian on how you would like to receive the money. Most custodians will write a paper check and mail it to you. However, you should have the options of receiving an electronic bank transfer. The IRS doesn't limit how much IRA money you may use for education; the amount simply cannot exceed the total cost of your qualified higher-education expenses. Also you shlud review IRS Form 1099-R. You should receive this in late January or early February from your IRA custodian. IRS Form 1099-R details all IRA distributions you took during the tax year. Check to see that your custodian properly reported your distributions to the IRS. For example, Box 7 should include the number "2," which, as of November 2012, indicates an early IRA withdrawal that is exempt from the 10-percent tax penalty.
s**nc**** 님 답변 답변일 3/7/2012 5:55:20 PM
Thank you soooo much for your detailed information. I have a full time student in a private university and I am subject to pay over 20,000 next school year according to FAFSA and I have a lower amount in IRA than the expected tuition. Your professional answer is very much helpful. I guess I should contact my IRA custodian company to get the fund and make sure to receive1099-R in Jan or Feb. Thank you again for your answer.

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