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지역California 아이디p**546****
조회4,263 공감0 작성일6/30/2021 12:54:26 PM
어제 주지사가 발표한 8월쯤 가주 주민에게 지급한다는 California Comeback Plan $600은 Golden state stimulus check $600과는 다른건가요?
좀 혼동이 되서...

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김영산 님 답변 [연방사회보장국] 답변일 6/30/2021 5:04:33 PM

“In Newsom’s new California Comeback Plan the Golden State Stimulus will be expanded (eligibility) upon to include a second round of stimulus payments of $600.

Families with dependents, including undocumented families, may also be eligible

for an additional payment of $500.

- $600 direct payments to all taxpayers who make up to $75,000 a year and did not receive a first payment . . . "


“Households earning up to $75,000 in adjusted gross income will be able to receive $600 direct payments if they did not receive a payment in the first round this year.” [latimes.com]

보고를 하여 taxable earned income 의 고소득? 등의 이유로

(1라운드에Golden State Stimulus checks을 못받은 중산층? 납세자
earning $30,001  ~  $75,000 in adjusted gross income a year) 들은  
second round of stimulus payments of 
$600 (+ $500 Families with dependents) 을 받을 수 있다고 하네요.

“The individual must also live in California for more than half of the 2020 
tax year,
be a California resident on the date a payment is issued, and
cannot be eligible to be claimed as a dependent.”

"Golden State Stimulus I  요건을 충족하고 사회 보장 번호를 사용하여 택스보고하고, 결혼 경우 배우자의 사회 보장 번호를 사용하여   이상의 부양 가족에 대한 크레딧을 청구했을 경우 Golden State Stimulus II tax refund payment $500 이 지급되며 . .  . " 

[California AB139 Golden State Stimulus II  AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 25, 2021]

김영산 [연방사회보장국]

직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

전화 747-244-5928

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